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  1. mary787

    Tank Must Go...PHILADELPHIA

    I'm located in North Philly
  2. mary787

    Tank Must Go...PHILADELPHIA

    Tank must go, I am taking down a 30 gal tank. I am moving and cannot take it with me. Tank has been running for 1 year, it is my pride and joy, I am located in Philadelphia, so I'm looking for local sales only. Best offer takes it all or can buy what you want. 30 gal tank. glass cover immersible...
  3. mary787

    What happened to the anemone?

    Is it normal for a florida condi anemone to totally disinflate, and wrap itself around the powerhead filter really tight.......OUTCOME..... got sucked in......was it not happy???
  4. mary787

    My 29G is basically complete...

    looks great :D
  5. mary787

    Tight Zoanthids

    they look great :D
  6. mary787

    Don't ask me how i saw them!

    I noticed them in my tank as well, but they were dead and being sucked by the filter. :jumping:
  7. mary787

    Does anyone use regular water???

    I was using distilled water, PH was a bit low, switched to R/O and now PH perfect.
  8. mary787

    What should I do???

    OK, so I will leave the main tank alone with the LR and inverts with no fish for 6 to 8 weeks? The ICH should not be present by then?
  9. mary787

    What should I do???

    :thinking: Thanks for your responses, Ok, so the first thing I want to do is take out the blenny, and the damsel and put them in a QT, to treat them both, or should I take out the inverts and LR and treat fishes in tank with the substrate, which is reef aragonite sand? I don't want to take the...
  10. mary787

    What should I do???

    :help: Please Help ....I forgot to add that I am also thinking of doing a 25% water change, if that will help in something......:help:
  11. mary787

    What should I do???

    :nervous: Today I found my clown fish and yellow tang dead due to ICH:mad: ...I read some threads about Melafix.... and it surely fixed it I have a tank with 1 blue damsel, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 blue hermit crab, 10 snails, 1 orange linkia starfish, and a cleaner shrimp. I believe...
  12. mary787

    Caught my hitchhiker Mantis

    Do those mantis have crab like claws, red in color? Cause if they brittle star just digested one last night and is having pieces of the remainings everywhere in the tank......and none of my crabs are missing.
  13. mary787

    Live Rock Changing...HELP!!!

    well I do prefer for it be that it was due to the light and not end up being some type of bad algae or something, it's still a shame though
  14. mary787

    Live Rock Changing...HELP!!!

    :confused: My tank is almost 1 month old, and I recently bought 6 pds. of LR, it was nice and had alot of coraline on it, reddish pink, this was last week, today I noticed that alot of the color is gone and is turning kind of brown, what could it be, today I just received my lighting as well...
  15. mary787

    Would it be in danger???

    anybody knows what I should do???????????
  16. mary787

    Should my tank be this cloudy

    mines was cloudy like that for almost 4 days, but now it's just sweet....:joy:
  17. mary787

    Would it be in danger???

    :thinking: I have kind of a tiny feather duster growing on my substrate, it's kinda small, light brown, looks like a teeny tiny flower, also it closes when there is no light and opens when the light turns on, I also have brown hair like algae on my LR, I'm thinking of getting 3 turbo snails and...
  18. mary787

    "Old castle" Alert in Philly

    :happyfish You're right about the Hidden Reef, it's cool, pretty neat.
  19. mary787

    Plz this right?

    Good! :) I just thought the nitrites would go down before the nitrates did, 2 days ago I had 80 nitrates, so I was surprised today when I saw 20.
  20. mary787

    Plz this right?

    It's been setup for 8 days, live rock if Fiji cured, right from the lfs, also have pure aragonite sand, 15 lbs. Do you think my tank hasn't even started to cycle yet?