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  1. mot ii

    What is this?

    We are in the process of upgrading from a 65 gal to a 90 gal, and as we were taking out the live rock we found these odd circular ball type things on the bottom of one of the pieces of live rock. We don't know how long they've been there (we've had the tank going since 2007) nor what they might...
  2. mot ii

    Clownfish pair splitting

    We have had a pair of clownfish in our 65 gal. tank for about 5 years. They have always gotten along well, no real fighting, always sleeping near each other in rocks, etc. About a week ago we noticed the larger female started hanging out on the other side of the tank. She would swim at the...
  3. mot ii

    Yellow Tang Dorsal Fin

    We've had our yellow tang for about 3 1/2 years. About 4 months ago or so, his dorsal fin split about one inch from the front. It hasn't healed, but it also doesn't seem to affect him; he eats well, looks good color wise and energy wise.... it's just really weird. My husband has renamed from...
  4. mot ii

    Clownfish coloring...

    Thanks Beth. We do have a LT anenome, but the clowns usually don't hang around it much (don't host it, etc.) But with the new hawkfish, they have been fussing around after the new guy a bit so maybe they're around the anenome more.
  5. mot ii

    Clownfish coloring...

    We recently noticed that our largest clownfish is starting to get darker on the top and down the sides. It's not an 'ick' type coloring (not speckles like pepper) but rather just an overall darkening of color. The smaller clown seems to maybe be starting to get this too, but it isn't very...
  6. mot ii

    Flamehawk, Hypo and hermit crabs

    We just got the flamehawk from a friend shutting down their tank. The other fish with the flamehawk had died from ich (cowfish had it and died, she medicated the tank with an ich med; second fish died -flamehawk has survived since then, about 6-8 weeks, with no signs of ich.) I did a...
  7. mot ii

    Advice on adopted fish....

    Thanks for the advice. We'll give him a freshwater dip and then do the hypo on the QT while he's in there....
  8. mot ii

    Advice on adopted fish....

    We are 'adopting' a flame hawkfish from a friend who is getting rid of their SWT. This fish was with two others for at least several months; one fish got what they think was ick (but aren't positive) so they medicated the tank (not sure what med they used...probably a typical ick med). That...
  9. mot ii

    ID assistance....

    That's easy.... thanks!!
  10. mot ii

    ID assistance....

    We got a couple of pieces of live rock from someone who was taking down his tank. We can't remember exactly what these are on the rocks and want to make sure we deal with them correctly (feeding, etc) up until now we've been mostly fish/anemones. We've got these rocks in our hospital tank...
  11. mot ii

    Tang with bacterial infection?

    Thanks! The anemone is in the QT because for quite a while he has been really small (not expanding with his tentacles, etc) and one of our clowns that hosts it is constantly taking the food out of it when we try to feed it and she is constantly bugging him. When this happens he tends to find a...
  12. mot ii

    Tang with bacterial infection?

    Sorry... Miracyn II..... is what we use
  13. mot ii

    Tang with bacterial infection?

    Thanks. Does anyone know if Myacin II is harmful to anenomes? Our bubble tip is in the QT right now (we're keeping an eye on it to see if it has any problems unrelated...) we don't know if we should put the anenome back into the DT for now or if we can leave it in the QT with the tang and...
  14. mot ii

    Tang with bacterial infection?

    I just got home from work and saw the tang myself (my husband had noticed the problem and sent me the picture at work...) The orangish area at the back of the tang is a bit darker than it appears in the picture and there is a white dot in the middle of the orange area. It looks just like a...
  15. mot ii

    Tang with bacterial infection?

    Our yellow tang (which we have had for over a year) just developed this coloring near its back fin area. This happened in the last day as we didn't notice it before. It seems to look like a bacterial infection...could anyone comment.... The parameters in the tank (65 gal) are at a normal level...
  16. mot ii

    Two clowns; two anemones

    In our 65 gal. we have two percula clowns (one larger and one smaller) and two anemones .. a smaller bubble tip and a bigger long tenacle (plus a few other fish...) Our larger clown hosts in the smaller bubble took the clown about two months before it would go to the anemone. She is...
  17. mot ii


    I live in Kenosha... we go to three different store for our saltwater needs... Aquatics Unlimited up in Milwaukee, Jim's Aquarium here in Kenosha (runs the store out of his basement...gets VERY good fish) and the Coral Reef (I think that's the's a small shop) in Racine. All three...
  18. mot ii

    What is the name of your fish? And why did you name it that?

    Two clown fish: "Big Mamma" and "Little Baby" Red stripe angel: "Big Eyes" (because of his big eyes) Yellow Tang: Tangy Cleaner wrasse: "eel'ie" (because he looks like a miniature eel) Fairy wrasse: "Newby" (he's our newest fish) LTA= "Stumpy" (because he got caught in the filter intake and a...
  19. mot ii

    Peppermint Shrimp question

    Thanks. Do we need to worry about them eating any types of fish? We only have the clowns right now (we lost our other fish to ich a few months back so we remained fish free to get rid of it in the DT) but plan to get others over time.
  20. mot ii

    Peppermint Shrimp question

    We have had 2 conch snails in our tank for about 2+ months. A couple of weeks ago we added 3 peppermint shrimp. The shrimp are fairly active and when we put food in the tank they actually go to the top and it looks like they're walking on water upside down! We added two percula clowns about a...