Search results

  1. mot ii

    Aggressive Royal Gramma

    No offense taken. Yes, we are certain it was a royal gramma. The LFS also had pseudo-grammas so we know what they look like as compared to a regular royal. The only thing we can figure is that maybe the royal was a mature fish because it was pretty big compared to others we have seen...
  2. mot ii

    Question on QT

    My tang is hanging in there. Last night the ich seemed to be going away, but this a.m. it looked bad again for a while...then started to look better (is it because the parasites are affected by the light?) I picked up a tank set last night at *****. It is a 10 gal tank that included a 50w...
  3. mot ii


    They are responding to a posting to get it up to the top of the list so others will read it...
  4. mot ii

    Aggressive Royal Gramma

    We always thought royal grammas were supposed to be fairly peaceful and were excited when we added a really pretty one to our tank. At that time we also had a lawnmower blennie for about 3 weeks and it was doing great. WIthin a few days of being in the tank the gramma staked claim on most of...
  5. mot ii

    Question on QT

    Thanks. We will do the hypo on the fish once we get the QT set up and ready. Hopefully the Quick Cure will keep things a bit stable for the fish until that time. It's too bad that our LFS didn't tell us that ultimately the only way to get rid of ich is to do either the hypo or copper. (They...
  6. mot ii

    Question on QT

    Thanks for your quick reply! The stuff the LFS gave us is actually called "Quick Cure" and contains malachite green and formalin. We put it in the tank once a day for 3 days (with carbon out of filter.) Yes, I read Beth's info on ich, etc. It was very helpful, but also impressed on us the...
  7. mot ii

    Question on QT

    When we set up our DT we did not establish a QT tank. Live and learn.... We recently purchased a blue hippo tang that developed ich within 3 days of being in the tank. We also have 3 pajama cardinals in the tank with no sign (yet) of ich. Our LFS gave us Quick Cure to treat the tank (which I...
  8. mot ii

    Turbo Snail Question

    Thanks. I am hoping that is all it is and he isn't dying... I just set him right side up again so we'll see how long it takes before he is back over.
  9. mot ii

    Turbo Snail Question

    We've had our turbo snail for about 8 weeks and he was always moving around the tank. In the past few days he has slowed down and now tends to just go into his shell and not move. At first I thought he was dead because he was so far into his shell it didn't even look like anything was in there...
  10. mot ii

    Question on hitchikers

    Whoa... I went back downstairs to look more closely at the 'snails' and when I turned on the tank light and started to look around... I see that they are not "attached" but are moving around.. and they are not just two/three... there are quite a bit more of similar and smaller sizes. Where the...
  11. mot ii

    Question on hitchikers

    Thanks... yes they kind of do look like the sundials... but the coloring on mine is a lot lighter (a very light tan/brown). That's not to say it won't darken over time. Sounds like I may want to get them out though in case we ever put anything in that they will destroy......
  12. mot ii

    Question on hitchikers

    One of the newer LR pieces we got has what appear to be a couple of hitchikers and I am hoping someone can help me identify. Sorry the pics aren't the best so if you can't really tell... that's okay. The photo with area circled shows two very small things that just very recently showed up...
  13. mot ii

    Algae question

    Thanks. We are starting to think we don't have enough crew doing the work.... Yes, I believe the turbo snail we have is a mexican one... Thanks for your response!
  14. mot ii

    damsel catching

    After fretting about how to catch our two damsels, I took the advice of someone on here (don't remember who...sorry...) We got the two fish to one side of the tank, put a piece of plexiglass in to divide off the tank, took out the LR on their side and caught them! Of course, "stripey"...
  15. mot ii

    Algae question

    We've had our 65 gal tank up and running; fully cycled for at least a month+ now. We had 2 damsels which we put in after about three weeks to help cycle tank (however both are now out since we want to put other fish in... ) a lawnmover blennie, a turbo-snail and two other snails (can't...
  16. mot ii

    2 questions from Newbie

    Yes, I've started to learn that by reading all the postings! Our LFS also told us today when we stopped by that we should get rid of them before we put any other fish in... the only question is... what do we do with them? We don't have any LFS near us (we drive almost an hour to the closest...
  17. mot ii

    2 questions from Newbie

    Hi everyone... this site has been great and full of information! We have a 65-gal tank that we set up about 6 weeks ago. We have one LR (about 10 lb) and a couple of base rock (about 30 lb in total) in the tank. We're not looking to make it a full reef...just something that has good places for...