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  1. tallyho

    Baron Von Klyff

    Hello Baron, I note your post from Houston, I hope this is not breeching board ettiquette ( and gladly accept any sanction).. whick LFS do you find the best selection of healthy fish? rgds
  2. tallyho

    Baron Von Klyff

    Hello Baron, I note your post from Houston, I hope this is not breeching board ettiquette ( and gladly accept any sanction).. whick LFS do you find the best selection of healthy fish? rgds
  3. tallyho

    Anyone fron South Carolina...

    I am now in Houston,Tx but home is Charleston..can help you there..but you did not say which city. Regards
  4. tallyho

    55 gallon community tank

    Please do not add all your fish at once...big mistake..especially with only 55 gallons. Good luck rgds
  5. tallyho

    need advice

    I noticed on your Bio, you registered dec 20 and stated you were just in marine environment for 2 is appx one month since then... thus, I think your losses are due to,to many (nice) fish to soon...when you restart your 55, you should have only 2 or 3 small fish to start the cycle...
  6. tallyho

    starting community 150 gal tank need compatability advise

    Don't you think it quite risky to add an angel before having cycled the tank...I am fairly new also but believe your Angel sould only be added to a more mature tank. Good Luck...I hope I am wrong. Regards
  7. tallyho

    How many use QT ????????

    I have had a 150 fowlr since oct, and have just set up a 29gal qt...I too beleived if I was careful picking heathly fish and constantly made sure my water conditions were ideal that QT was just an excess.....wrong..QT is definitely the way to go .. rgds
  8. tallyho


    I was just reading yesterday in one of the books descibing various fish and it said this was a normal behavior. rgds
  9. tallyho

    quarantine of invertabrates and crustaceans

    Do invertabrates and crustaceans,i.e., anemones and cleaner shrimp pose the same degree of risk of transmitting disease without quarantine?Is there a preventive medication that should be used in their quarantine? This refers to a fowlr. Regards
  10. tallyho

    Butterfly--one dead another with symptoms.

    Thanks, Terry B, I think u are correct, almost all the food fare you recommened were offered but not accepted.He only took the live brine shrimp, but I only supplied them 3/4 days a week.The other days, the other various fare were supplied. The copperband passed yesterday.The Blackback only...
  11. tallyho

    Butterfly--one dead another with symptoms.

    sorry,typo..I meant grazing,feeding. I have 150 gal fowlr appx 90lbs lives rock. 2 blueyellow tail damsel 2 dominoes 1 yellow wrasse 1 gold maroon clown 1 flame angel 1 copperband butterfly 1 long tenalcled anemone 1 pink & green cucumber 1 brown knobby cucumber 1 cleaner shrimp several small...
  12. tallyho

    Butterfly--one dead another with symptoms.

    after 28 days just lost Blackback butterfly, he appeared to be in good health and was constantly graging on the live rock.He would not eat live brine shrimp or any of the various flakes offered.4 days prior to showing any stress, he began to eat spirilina flakes, then two days later actually...
  13. tallyho

    clown and host Q

    I just added a maroon and a longtenacled and the clown went to the anemone as soon as it hit the bottom of the tank.. rgds
  14. tallyho

    anemone-living or dead

    Just added a long tenalcled anemone along with a gold maroon can you tell if an anemone is alive. It has color and the clown is heavily involved with it but it's only movements seem to be motivated by the clown and the water has not attached to or burried into the sand. rgds
  15. tallyho

    First cycle

    thanks to all, i did not think the 40ppm was particularily high, my concern was that there was no change..40ppm every day...actually thought it would spike higher considering the amount of detrius...the fish are still quite perky and look strong...
  16. tallyho

    First cycle

    I have had my 150 gal running for 5 weeks,introduced two domonoes and two blue damsels 18 days ago and 65 lbs live rock 15 days.Two days afte the rock.amonia went to 40ppm and has sayed there.No nitrites,no nitrate ..ph8.3 salinity change going into 14th day of 40ppm......AM i...
  17. tallyho


    I have had a 150 Oceanic reef ready running for two weeks and the noise from the water falling into the filter boxes seems excessive.any sugestions?