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  1. reefpro

    Found a Bristle worm

    ditto :) send me some ;)
  2. reefpro

    Baby steps... looking for feedback

    Actually the girlfriend told me that my Reefkeeper2 arrived tonight :) Gonna install it... Any feedback on a prebuilt Sump?
  3. reefpro

    Turbo Snails and Coraline

    Originally Posted by tmy880 Will turbo snails eat the coraline off of LR. My LR looks white wherever the snail has cleaned. Is this normal. Thanks I've never heard of them eating coraline.
  4. reefpro

    Baby steps... looking for feedback

    Originally Posted by Pontius the fuge isn't "necessary", but it's definitely a good thing. all you have to do is put some macroalgae in and a $15 shop light from Lowe's over it and it'll keep phosphates down. so really, I don't see why you wouldn't do it. otherwise, you've just got LR in there...
  5. reefpro

    sea pen

    Everything you need to know is here:
  6. reefpro

    Baby steps... looking for feedback

    So... I've been in and out of the hobby due to moving around a lot for the last couple of years and a tour in Iraq. It's been an interesting life but finally I'm in my own home and I'm ready to build a nice setup in my office. I'm building a drilled 90 (All Glass Megaflow). I bought the kit...