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  1. reefpro

    Torn foot the end of the road?

    I just received my new blue carpet anenome... I'm familiar with Carpets and I've had a few of them over the years... Love them.. they always grow to big and have to be given to the local aquarium :) Anyway... I got the new blue carpet yesterday. I inspected him and noticed a small tear in his...
  2. reefpro


    I'd also like to recommend the Coralife Aqualight Pro series if you're looking for recommendations... That's what I'm running and it's just flat out amazing :)
  3. reefpro

    PDBFP - Pretty Darn Big Fuge Project

    Thanks for the great feedback.. I've been doing some research on the little giant pumps and I do like what I've been reading. They really sound like a good quality pump. Don't know if I will get to do any work today but we shall see! Ryan
  4. reefpro

    PDBFP - Pretty Darn Big Fuge Project

    So basically what you see here is two dedicated circuits that will be above the fuge. The stand I'm going to build will sit right up against that board you see screwed into the wall. The stand will be 54x36x36. This gives the fuge plenty of room to sit on and there will be a second tier below...
  5. reefpro

    PDBFP - Pretty Darn Big Fuge Project

    Here's the first progress...
  6. reefpro

    90g lighting ?

    I've got the coralife aqualight pro 2x250 halides with dual 96 watt actinic bulbs. I love it.
  7. reefpro

    PDBFP - Pretty Darn Big Fuge Project

    Well I went over to the local hardware store today and picked up some of the misc. items I'll need to get started. I'm looking forward to this project... should keep me busy for a while and my next step is definately to find a pump that can handle the run :)
  8. reefpro

    Need help raising my lighting. Temp at 85!

    It would be cheaper to buy a chiller it seems. I just put a chiller on my system and it was one of the best moves I ever made.
  9. reefpro

    PDBFP - Pretty Darn Big Fuge Project

    Well I've got the process started and while it's a little overwhelming I'm very excited. Overview: I have a 90 gallon (drilled) tank in my office. I want to setup a fuge for it but have realized that there's no way to get a decent setup in the stand. My solution is to run the overflow and...
  10. reefpro

    Sump/Fuge design...

    Well to be honest after a lot of thought if I'm going to build something custom I'm going to do it right and do it big. I'm going to be putting it in my basement, running the pipes through the floor down to the room below (my work room coincidentally) and putting my fuge there.... the funny...
  11. reefpro

    anyone have fuge etc in basement? (Squidd?)

    Not to dig up an old post (ok well to dig up an old post) I am going to do this... I knew it could be done and it's the perfect application for what I am trying to do!!!
  12. reefpro

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Very nice setup. For what it's worth I'm very impressed!
  13. reefpro

    Sump/Fuge design...

    Originally Posted by wattsupdoc The 2 tens would work, but you would only have a pretty shallow water level, like 8.5 in tops. 10X40 (two tens end to end)X3 /231= 5.19 gallons. If the tanks are connected end to end with say 1 or even better 1.5 in bulkeads, the tank walls were they are joined...
  14. reefpro

    Digital PH Meter - ever used one? Reliable?

    Originally Posted by Hefner413 FOR $259.99 (on sale - reg $270) at [hr] !!! IT BETTER BE PERFECT!!! AND the pH probe is an extra $48??!! That's crazy. :notsure: You get exactly what you pay for. The ReefKeeper 2 is actually much more than a PH monitor and it's also a great safe guard for...
  15. reefpro

    Digital PH Meter - ever used one? Reliable?

    Reefkeeper 2 by Digital Aquatics... PERFECT
  16. reefpro

    Sump/Fuge design...

    Man I'm seriously in a rage.... I've built some mock tanks to see what would fit and it looks like the best I can do is a 25 gallon... I'm starting to wonder if I wouldnt be better off just building two sections out of plexi and then gluing them together inside of the tank... I'm half...
  17. reefpro

    Sump/Fuge design...

    Originally Posted by renogaw look at my post--i just made a 29 gallon three compartment sump/fuge. If you go with the 29 i can give you measurements, just make sure you can fit it under where you want it to go. If you could shoot me a PM with the information that would be awesome. I wish I was...
  18. reefpro

    Sump/Fuge design...

    So with 20 tall or a 29 - How many compartments should I aim for? I have a Coralife 125 skimmer that I want to put in there too...
  19. reefpro

    Here I go!

    LOL thats priceless
  20. reefpro

    Tank Diary - Reefpro's 90 Gallon Office Tank

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ yeah untill the IRS autdits you..... I wouldn't wish that on anyone... the IRS is yuck ;)