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  1. reefpro

    Chiller Sizing

    Oh one other thing... any rec's on a QUIET one?
  2. reefpro

    Chiller Sizing

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains most 1/4 are rated for up to 125. they always inflate thier ratings but on a 90g it shold be a nice fit. Also why the 500w?. Unles its packed with SPS and clams, then a double 150 or even a triple 150 should be fine for lighting and now throw so much heat...
  3. reefpro

    Chiller Sizing

    bump in the night...
  4. reefpro

    Chiller Sizing

    It's become apparent that I'm going to need a chiller for my 90 gallon office tank. It's running about 83 degrees to 84 degrees during the day with 500 watts of MH. I want to drop it back down to around 79 degrees... So what size of chiller do I need... I'm hoping that I dont have to go for a...
  5. reefpro

    tap water purifier

    I dont think we're supposed to post links but an RO/DI is really necessary unless you want to buy your water. I wouldnt suggest that unit though... If I were you I'd look at something made by SpectraPure. I've got one of their units and it's really great!
  6. reefpro

    Sump/Fuge design...

    Originally Posted by sign guy Id start by planning on one of the 10's being 3 or four inches higer than the other. My desktop is not conecting to the web right now and my laptop dosent have my design program so ill have to post a pic tomorow. My idea is let the water flow into your fuge that is...
  7. reefpro

    Sump/Fuge design...

    Ok I'm convinced on the building of a Sump/Fuge. I have a 90 gallon tank and I did some checking and the best I can do is two 10 gallon glass tanks underneath. My idea is to join them with bulkheads but I really am not sure if that's the best way.... I'm looking for feedback and help with a...
  8. reefpro

    Flow... how much is too much?

    Originally Posted by Anubisxero did you mod these maxi's? because 1 maxijet1200 only has a flow rate of 295 gph. = Whew I knew somewhere my math was off... THANK YOU :) I've not done any mods for them do you suggest any?
  9. reefpro

    Tank Diary - Reefpro's 90 Gallon Office Tank

    Well I've decided to go ahead and do a Diary even though it's a little late to start since I've been running for about 45 days with really good levels: PH: 8.13 NH4: 0 NO3: 0 NO2: 0 Tank's doing well and I used it to save 4 Clowns from a friend's dying tank. Anyway on to the tank... 90...
  10. reefpro

    Flow... how much is too much?

    Originally Posted by earlybird Include all pumps and skimmer and recalculate your turnover. 15-30x is great but some have upwards of 60x turnover. Really depends on the corals you choose. Including everything I'm at nearly 75x
  11. reefpro

    Flow... how much is too much?

    I've got a 90 gallon AGA with 4 Maxijet 1200's and a Mag 950 in the sump. So that's my question... I'm turning over sump -> tank 10x per hour but the 4800 gph on the Maxijet's is a lot of flow... so I'm just curious as to how much is too much?
  12. reefpro

    Unforseen Dis-zaster

    One other thing that's really nice is that it has a "soft start" for halides!! That's a GOOD feature :)
  13. reefpro

    Unforseen Dis-zaster

    That's how mine is. I have a big desk with a 90 gallon tank right next to it ;) The RK2 allowed me to get rid of like 3 power strips, 4 timers and gives me some good information at a glance ;)
  14. reefpro

    Unforseen Dis-zaster

    Originally Posted by Bonebrake So you can't control the RK2 from your computer? You can view the data, but if you want to make adjustments to something plugged into it you have to physically change things on the RK2 unit itself? :notsure: If that is the case, I'll wait for the RK3. The RK2...
  15. reefpro

    Open or Closed Top?

    Very interesting... I've pulled my glass tops :)
  16. reefpro

    Unforseen Dis-zaster

    The RK2 actually hooks up to your PC via a serial connection. Basically they sell you a "splitter" to allow you to split the temperature connection into two connections. This splitter is nothing more than a telephone (RJ11) splitter and you can use any one you have in your house. They include...
  17. reefpro

    Open or Closed Top?

    This is actually interesting to me (the results). Very interesting indeed. I figured there would be more closed than this... ;)
  18. reefpro

    :help: 2 emerald crabs in a 30?

    The emeralds should be fine.. I'd be very cautious about hermits.
  19. reefpro

    Conundrum... Top off system

    I have a conundrum on my hands... I really want to build an automated top off system out of the new RO/DI filter I just ordered. The conundrum is this tank I want to top off is in my office which does not have a water supply. So I was thinking about putting the RO/DI system in the basement...
  20. reefpro

    whats up w/ my snail?

    Originally Posted by susie&jeran You guys weren't kidding about the sniff test. That smell is forever burned into my memory. Needless to say the snail is gone. I'm sorry for your loss but I have to admit this post made me chuckle.... the part about "forever burned into my memory". Hopefully...