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  1. poppydaisy

    Lighting & stocking question for 5G Jebo Nano tank

    2 x 8 watts = 16 watts 16 watts/5gallons=3.2 watts per gallon Is this right? Can someone please confirm this math and this little nano tank that I have??? Thanks!
  2. poppydaisy

    Lighting & stocking question for 5G Jebo Nano tank

    what about lighting for soft corals??? do I have enough lighting?
  3. poppydaisy

    Lighting & stocking question for 5G Jebo Nano tank

    Thanks! the local guy at the fish store said the light was not strong enough but I have two T5's that are 8 watts, which totals 16watts so I'm thinking it's strong enough, right? I want to do soft corals with a pair of clown fish and a cleaner shrimp. I just put in about 7 lbs of live rock...
  4. poppydaisy

    Lighting & stocking question for 5G Jebo Nano tank

    I'm out of the country and decided to start a small nano tank. I bought a Jebo R338 tank that came with everything. I think it's 5 gallon size, the box doesn't even say. The light says it's 8W T5. Is that strong enough to grow soft corals? what about fish? can i keep a paif of clown fish...
  5. poppydaisy

    corals in ohio (will ship)

    where in ohio are you? I'm in columbus.
  6. poppydaisy

    Neon Green Blasto Merleti Frags In Sw Ohio Sale/trade!!

    Thanks for posting the pictures. Those are the xenia's that I'm looking for but I heard they don't ship well and you are too far from me. Let me know if you happen to come up to Columbus any time soon. I would love to buy some off of you.
  7. poppydaisy

    zoos cool but pricy?

    where are you located?
  8. poppydaisy

    Neon Green Blasto Merleti Frags In Sw Ohio Sale/trade!!

    do you have pictures of star polyp, yellow polyp and pulsing xenia? I have elongata xenia, it pulses sometimes but I was looking for some pink pom poms. I'm in Columbus, how far are you from me?
  9. poppydaisy

    More Corals Frogspawn, Xenia, GSP

    how much for the frog spawn and xenia to 43230?
  10. poppydaisy

    pink tip

    what's wrong with the frozen food? that's how I feed mine all the time.
  11. poppydaisy

    Anemone Comitting Suicide??? HELP!!!

    I just saw on another thread that when it spreads out that thin, with little arms to grab food, that it's slowly starving itself to death. You should try spot feeding. I'll see if I can find that thread.
  12. poppydaisy

    GBTA lost color

    Thanks for the help Shrimpi. I remember your name as I just got done checking out your tank and yes, it's the same kind I have. It was a hand me down from my brother-in-law. What kind of filter system do you use? I saw a clear box in your tank? I have a hang on remora c skimmer but I still...
  13. poppydaisy

    GBTA lost color

    Thanks! will the green color come back if I continue to feed him? My conde is white again after my water change but he's really small now but looks good.
  14. poppydaisy

    GBTA lost color

    I purchased a GBTA but he's now white. He looks like he's doing well but someone from the lfs told me that I would have to manually feed him since he lost his green color. I feed him mysis shrimp about once a week but I was told to feed more frequently. In addition, my haitian anenome is now...
  15. poppydaisy

    Calling All Ocellaris Owners

    Mine is a captive born oscellaris who started hosting a live rock, then moved to frog spawn, pom pom xenia's, and GBTA.
  16. poppydaisy

    who host's the easiest?

    my oscellaris clown just started hosting my frog spawn. they chose that over the BTA but they are getting closer to the BTA everyday. :happyfish
  17. poppydaisy

    long tentacle toad stool looks like something bit it off

    thanks guys! yeah, mine really looks like it has a hole and the side apppears to be hollow but then again, it's dark and shedding around it. i'm trying to put water pressure on the shedding by putting power heads in that direction but it's not coming off. i will try to take it out and scrape...
  18. poppydaisy

    long tentacle toad stool looks like something bit it off

    Thanks your help! cut off which part, the part that's shedding? Is it supposed to be hollow inside the leathe? should I do it now or wait for later?
  19. poppydaisy

    long tentacle toad stool looks like something bit it off

    I recently purchased a long tentacle toad stool and it was bent at the base for a while but now it's stem is up, however, the side that it was leaning against the floor, it was brown. I thought it would shed and recover but now all of a sudden, it looks like something bit that side off...
  20. poppydaisy

    Silver tip Xenia's sick

    my pom pom xenia's are doing fine but it's the silver tip that's not doing well. He's almost down to nothing with a few branches still hanging on. I'm still hopeful he can make a come back. Thanks for all your help! :happyfish