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  1. ebaybrad

    ebay fish no reserve long island

    doface puffer a. harl tusk lemon tang blue throat tigger etc...
  2. ebaybrad

    Angelfish Gill growth please help

    My angel has grown by his Gill as pictured. Treated orig for ice with curating to no avail. Any input would be appreciated
  3. ebaybrad

    Dogface puffer who wont eat....

    try rearranging the tank
  4. ebaybrad

    210 FOWLR with LR no cycle ???

    agreed on the damsels. However, the tankmates will be tough competition...lion fish, harlequin wrasse, emporer angel, dogface puffer, trigger of some sort
  5. ebaybrad

    210 FOWLR with LR no cycle ???

    I just set up a 210 with about 100lbs of live rock/ dry sand. I also put in about a dozen damsels with normal feeding schedule. one died and I let it decompose in the tank. Over a week in and 0 cycle? The rock was completely cured already and only about a 15 minute commute to introduction in...
  6. ebaybrad

    my new in wall 210 .. custom stand good enough? with pics

    There is a concrete sill under the 2x6 under the front 4x4's
  7. ebaybrad

    my new in wall 210 .. custom stand good enough? with pics

    Thanks for all the suggestions and replies. They are appreciated. It is not a bearing wall. I went ahead and took the advice to install a fan to the outside as it is an outside wall. I don't want access from the front for aesthetic reasons. I removed thw top sheet of plywood as suggested and...
  8. ebaybrad

    my new in wall 210 .. custom stand good enough? with pics

    I am in the process of building a 210 into a wall with room behind. I finally have the room to do it in my new house. I have attached pics of the DIY stand made with 4x4's and 3/4 plywood. I just would like some commentary on it's soundness and structure. The base is built on 2x6's sitting on...
  9. ebaybrad

    Hyposalinty- my tank has been at 1.009 for 6 days & fish still has visible ich

    i love being right....pearls i tells ya...
  10. ebaybrad

    Please tell me what is on my fish (see pictures) thanks!!

    that looks to be sexually transmitted!
  11. ebaybrad

    Need help-my 150 gallon has white dots floating in the water-can't get rid of it !!!

    they are probably exotic white dot plankton...i would pay good money to get me sum of dose! Actually, my bet is it is from the substrate you added...
  12. ebaybrad

    something i've noticed about peoples answers on this site

    i prefer fried grouper...cajun style
  13. ebaybrad

    something i've noticed about peoples answers on this site

    everything that everyone else said here is wrong...what i said is true....there are no differing opinions on this fact! lol
  14. ebaybrad

    something i've noticed about peoples answers on this site

    you need to add more fish...they like company and get lonely if there is not a fish within 1 inch of them at all times...
  15. ebaybrad

    something i've noticed about peoples answers on this site

    let me clarify.... It is basically torture to put a fish in even a 6 gt tank when it is used to swimming in the ocean with bounless space. It is also torture to catch a fish, yank it out of the water, throw it in a bucket with 100 others till it suffocates...and then skin in to eat. Therefore...
  16. ebaybrad

    Purchasing tank, would a 155 bowfront or 144 half cylinder look distorted (curved)

    curved glass makes the tank look like the kid in elementary school with the thick glasses. PS Please change your name to af6 or afa6 thank you a rectangle tank gives the clearest, most unobstructed view of the fish from any angle or height. Bowed and curved tanks will distort a...
  17. ebaybrad

    how many fish can I have in a 90 gallon and a 120 gallon ...

    43 bucks and u aclimate it for me..please bring him over well fed.
  18. ebaybrad

    how many fish can I have in a 90 gallon and a 120 gallon ...

    i will give you 41.50 for the puffer