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  1. willcon

    sump tank

    im setting up a sump and i need to know if i should use an internal or external pump to move the water back into the tank/ are there any advantages or disadvantages? :help:
  2. willcon

    sump questions

    i m putting a hangon skimmer heater and i will most likely use it as a refugiem its gonna be a reed setup, should i go with a 30 gallon?its a 65 gallon tank. :confused:
  3. willcon

    sump questions

    hye i have some questions about runnning a sump tank. i just purchased a 65 gallon tank with biult in overflow box, i plan on running it to a 20 gallon sump,what king of pump should i get to return the water?is there anything else i should know? how should i plan on running the water into it...
  4. willcon

    Nitrogen Cycle

    it should take ( max 60 to 70 days) it should be a week or so after the spikkes
  5. willcon

    Sea Snakes!!!!!!!

    im goin with haze we go through all hell to keep these animals alive im sure it wouldbt be dificult to kill him
  6. willcon

    Sea Snakes!!!!!!!

    im goin with haze i mean we go thruogh hell to keep these damn animals alive, im sure it wouldnt be hard to kill him.
  7. willcon

    Sea Snakes!!!!!!!

    is that snake still inn there? if it where i would drain the tank and kill the bugger theres no use in playin around witha deadly snake.
  8. willcon

    lr questions

    should i add the live rock before or after i do the nitrite cycle? thanks beforehand
  9. willcon

    Help Overdose

    i dont even know where a walmart is around me, would distilled water work?
  10. willcon

    Help Overdose

    so the phosguard shouldnt affect the lr? ro? i cant afford buying water is it really that bad to use tapwater? thanks for all the help :joy:
  11. willcon

    Help Overdose

    :sleepy: by cycling you mean...? i have a prizm pro deluxe which i have been running for a while with livesand
  12. willcon

    Help Overdose

    first of all thank you for all of you help i dont have any fish yet so its not that big of a deal IMO....? RO? the only info on the bottle says "overdosing not reccomended" im about to start buying the live rock and maybe i few fishes do any of you think this would pose a threat to the...
  13. willcon

    Help Overdose

    Hey i have just recently startted setting up a 50 gallon reef tank and i overdoesed quite a bit of a phosphate and silicate remover(Seachem PhosGuard to be exact) because im using tapwater. should i do a full water chnge or change half or what? Anyone with knowledge about this please respond...
  14. willcon

    Just wanted to share some pics

    beautiful tank how big is it?