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  1. willcon

    3 Weeks In

    i would get rid of them but its not like any of my freinds are into this hobby. i could see if my lfs would want them but i doubt it
  2. willcon

    3 Weeks In

    i cant just get rid of them, its not like im gonn kill them im just gonn drop it in the sump but does it even matter that much if they eat it?
  3. willcon

    3 Weeks In

    its a 65 with a alot of lr and ls i put three peices of shrimp 2 times in the last few weeks, the big hermit and a bunch of bristle worms jumped all over it.
  4. willcon

    3 Weeks In

    i started with a few peices of shrimp and adding some like brine shrimp fish food
  5. willcon

    3 Weeks In

    3 weeks in and no spike. whats the deal? theres beena lot of purple algae growth and lil airbubbles on the sides of the tank(i hear that might have somethin to do with the cycle) i know i should be patient but it seems everything is running perfect quality. and every time i add an ammonia...
  6. willcon

    2 weeks into the cycle

    LOL everyone is giving me a different awnser i just turned the thing off in hope it will spike.
  7. willcon

    How Big is To Big?????? (refugium)

    I checked it; it looks like a really nice setup, i was just thinking that the lights and skimmer wouldnt be as efficient as you could get, but it doesnt look like a crappy setup as i had in mind.
  8. willcon

    How Big is To Big?????? (refugium)

    no it wont overflow just nmake sure that you dont get a pump thats gph is more than your overflows gph. when you set it up make sure to put ball valves on the inlet and outlet so you can adjust each one so it doesnt overflow. i would reccomend buying the sump,skimmer, lights seperatly good luck...
  9. willcon

    2 weeks into the cycle

    yes maam plus there is ton of algae growing
  10. willcon

    2 weeks into the cycle

    im 2 weeksinto the cycle and ive seen no spike in amoonia nitrates or nitrites. is this normal, i know i should be patient but im a little curious. Ive put brine shrimp and other food in there along with a lot of fresh shrimp(ammonia source) and no spike!? The only things i hve in the tank are...
  11. willcon

    skimming during cycle?

    I decided to go with skimming cause of a post on here that aconvicned me. everyone seems to have lot of different oppinions about this :notsure:
  12. willcon

    starting new 55 gl. should I use cured or uncured??

    i have a wooden canopy with a cf and mh lights in it, its about 12 inches from the surface. i have 2 acrylic tops on the tank. i hope that was a sufficient description.
  13. willcon

    starting new 55 gl. should I use cured or uncured??

    you mean have no glass or acrylic tops on the top of the tank? just have nothing inbetween the water and lights? thats interesting i have noticed that they get pretty dirty quick and i was thinking of removing it but i was afraid it would affect the canopy and/or my lighting system. And for...
  14. willcon

    Water temp, what's yours?

    Hey i just goy my tank setup around a weekago and im starting the cycle, my temp is about 87 to 88 i cant seem to get it any lower. ive read that letting run hotter during the cycle benefits the bacteria and makes the cycle go quiker (so im not too concerned for right now). but my real...
  15. willcon

    Hermit Crab molting again?

    can someone please tell me what the hell molting is? :notsure:
  16. willcon

    skimming during cycle?

  17. willcon

    Hermit Crab molting again?

    Can someone please tell me wha molting is ????
  18. willcon

    skimming during cycle?

    i just got a ASM g-2 skimmer and im running it on my 65, i was just curious if it is a good idea to be skimming the tank during the cycle?? Thanks in advance
  19. willcon

    Clean up crew during cycle?

    Im having a lot of algae in my tank and the only real thing i see that could help that is a good clean up crew, i just started my cycle about a week ago. Is it too early to add a crew? should i just wait till after the cycle? :notsure: Thanks in advance
  20. willcon

    HELP-Red Sea Prism Skimmer

    its the screw knobb on the inlet pipe, the more open it is the more air gets through, the more bubbles you have the more liquid is going to end up in the collection cup you just need to adjust it. its a tricky peice of work, i couldnt stand it so i just bought the asm series, which i would...