Sea Snakes!!!!!!!


is that snake still inn there?
if it where i would drain the tank and kill the bugger theres no use in playin around witha deadly snake.


One thing you might want to keep in mind also is that some smaller snakes are even more poisonious than adults. They might not have much to bite with but the smaller they are the more places they have to hide ( like LR, DSB) and if you get ahold of him the skirmyier he will be and not much to hold onto if he is that size of a pencil.


Man, what a story. What a boob your friend is! :mad:
How about a private party instead of animal control? Do you know anyone who has experience with Reptilia. They may be able to at least advise you on what to do or more importantly, what not to do. :scared:
Good luck man....


Active Member
Since that minnow trap is made of metal, wouldn't it contaminate the saltwater by being left in there? Make your own trap out of a 2 liter soda bottle. I just made one out of a
16 ounce soda bottle and it works. Cut the very top off of the bottle and discard it, although you could leave yours on because of the small diameter of the snake. Then cut the top section of the bottle off, right below where it starts to taper. Then take this section and place it inside the lower half of the bottle, with the taper facing inward. You may want to glue it in place but it will fit snugly. Place some bait in there to attract the snake. When the snake/fish swims into the bottle, the taper directs him into it but when he tries to swim out, most of the time it will swim along the bottom or top of the bottle and cant find the opening. Make sure when you put the bottle in the tank, that you lay it on its side. I am at work now but when I get home I willtry to take a picture of it so you get a better idea of what I mean. Anyway, good luck in catching it.


I know this sounds wrong but I would take all the other fish out or anything you wanna keep out that tank and just poisine the hell out of the tank and kill the basterd. I know it sounds wrong but I would rather live then die even if it ment that animails life. lol but hey thats just me.


Active Member
when i was a kid my father used to show us pics from while out on his aircraft carrier of nothing but a sea of snakes.
they would be out touring and would come across what looks like a slick of some kind but was really just a HUGE migration of sea snakes. they would fill the sea and make a giant blanket. i'll have to see if i can find those pics at his house. that was more then 25 years ago so i'm not sure if they are still around. nasty creatures thats for sure IMO


Dragonfli, Are you still alive? Do we need animal control yet? Are you still having a pis*ing match with this snake....

I can't wait to see pictures of this thing! :eek:


Yes I am anxiously awaiting more info and pics on this one. I woke up and hit this thread 1st thing to see if you got em yet :D I hope all goes well and you make it out alive mate ;)


I'm just saying "HI" so I can be subscribed to this thread, since I don't see a "subscribe to this thread button" anymore


im goin with haze i mean we go thruogh hell to keep these damn animals alive, im sure it wouldnt be hard to kill him.


im goin with haze we go through all hell to keep these animals alive im sure it wouldbt be dificult to kill him


IM PISSED! i stayed upall night watching the tank and nothing! i removed the UGF, and the CC 2 months ago, and i really dont want to go through the hassle of removing stuff again. i am trying to convince my wife that i need a new larger tank("because they are easier to care for" or at least thats my sales pitch)
well i am thinking about cleaning the thing out. but swimming 100yrds iout in the ocean, dive 15 feet down, fill the bucket, and haul buckets of sand out isnt my idea of fun.
but i guess thats better than slowly dying from a neurotoxin overdose.
oh yeah and the trap is coated in vinyl. so it will be fine in the tank......iguess. or at least better than the snake.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Sea snakes are the most venemous animals in the world capable of injecting venom into human skin. You need to call animal control bro, one bite and you are dead before you dial 911.
I always look out for MUDA'S advices he seems to be the most inteligent in the forum when is to talk about the ...CALL ANIMAL CONTROLLLLLLL :happy:


Dragon---hope you are still oK----like someone said before---BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!! Baby snakes are MUCH more ven. than the adults!!!!! Babies are not able to control thier ven. and it just all comes shooting out where as adults will only excret the amount needed. Know this from personal experience!!!! had a friend that died from baby water snakes!! With the mature ones you have a great chance of no problems

it's those darn lil ones to watch out for!!!!! I go w/ the suggestion of animal control!!! Kepp yourself and family out of danger and let the guys that get paid for it do it. Just my suggestion!!! Good luck!
Please BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!!


well my wife and kids are outta town, so no threat there. and everyone is outta the tank(for the last few days) so there is no food. so ill starve him out for the rest of the day and then tonight ill try the trap again. he ate ten fish so he's gotta have a hole in his stomach by now. i like the animal control advice i just dont trust them. id rather put some gloves on (multiple pairs) put the rocks into a rubbermaid, with the water, and run the tank with the sand down to the water and dump it in. then ill just go back out into the ocean and almost drown hauling in a bucket of LS.
i cant wait to show a pic of how small (i think)this guy is. i bet we will all laugh.


ok im going to call them and see what they say. and ill post their comments on the matter. i hope they work on saturday, this is hawaii..........nobody works out here..........ever


Just remember----the smaller----the more dangerous!!!!!!!!!!! I really can not stress this enough!!!! Why don't you drain the tank, then call animal control to get him out!! That will keep you out of danger and they can't screw things up that bad if the tank is empty. PLEASE!!! Call animal control!! Just concerened about your safety!!!! :scared: :scared: Kepp everyone informed!!! I am sure everyone is a bit worried!
CMB :)


LOL----when I was in Hawaii I remember people working on Sat. LOL Good luck PS jelous as hell that you live ther!!!!! I LOVE Hawaii. Got married there 2 1/2 years ago---BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! :D


Sorry - At this time we do not have a location in your state. We are currently seeking individuals in your state to become a Control operator. Please call us at 1-800-451-6544 for assistance with your animal control needs. We can provide you with the necessary WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT SUPPLIES and know-how to complete the task yourself if we do not have an office in your area.
I CALLED these guys and they said they have no knowlege about sea snakes. they offered me a glue trap to catch him with

they didnt know anybody i could call either. ok now im going to try to find one just for the sake of finding them. they also said theat their wouldnt be a reptile division because hawaii "doesnt have poisionous reptiles."

what a joke. maybe i know a new business to add to mine.