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  1. bison

    stocking q's

    WAY too much information about the composition of the different saltwater mixes available:
  2. bison

    Filter or Skimmer for new tank?

    I'm new to this hobby, but as I understand it, filters and skimmers each removed different things from the water, and the use of both provides the best water quality. I've also read that while skimmers may be optional (initially at least), a filter of some kind is a necessity from day one. I...
  3. bison

    Any1 have..

    Meet Scooter.....
  4. bison


    To answer the what kind of timer and where to get it questions.... I bought an "aquarium outlet strip" (looks like a surge protector strip) with a built in timer at PetSmart for about $20. Four of the eight outlets are controlled by the timer, with the other four being "on" continuously. (Also...
  5. bison

    Feeding procedure

    I bought a little blue feeding ring "thingy" to hold the food in one area on the surface of the water--cuts way, way down on the amount of food that floats across the tank & into my overflow. Works for both flake and small pellet food that doesn't sink right away & only cost about $4. It's a...
  6. bison

    Red Reef Hermit

    Also have 3 TINY blue legged hermits, the smallest of which has already molted, only a week after I bought them! Congrats, bdhough, on your 700th post!! And, Thanks for the reply!
  7. bison

    Red Reef Hermit

    How often do Red Reef Hermits shed their exoskeleton? I currently have only 1 in my FO tank. He moved into a bigger shell the day after we got him (we had a variety of shells of different sizes spread about in the tank) and he shed his skeleton a week later. Now, 2 weeks after that, he looks...
  8. bison

    Cat's Eye Snail?

    Anyone hear of a "Cat's Eye" snail? That's what my LFS guy called my new snail. It has a clean, "knobby" orange/tan shell about 1" in diameter that is similar in shape to that of my mexican turbo snail. It seems to go-go-go, all day & all night! Did a search on here and "the net" in general...
  9. bison

    Tank just started today...

    The tank was filled with water that went through a garden hose? Did you empty out that initial water after the leak test and replace it with new before adding your chemicals? Reason I ask, is I think I remember my LFS guys saying something about never filling your tank with water that has been...
  10. bison

    opinoins on backgrounds?

    Currently have one of those pictured backgrounds (green sea with red & white corals), but am reconsidering that decision after just 6 weeks. Thinking of switching to a dark blue gradient.
  11. bison

    still needing advice

    I'm very, very new to this myself, but here are the books I currently have: * Marine Fishes by Scott W. Michael (Information & pictures of the different species of marine fish.) * The Guide To Starting A Marine Aquarium by David E. Boruchowitz (A rather quick read, this one reminds you to take...
  12. bison

    Lighting for LR

    I was also told that I needed at least a 50/50 light (50% daylight & 50% actinic 03) in order to keep live rock. I did upgrade my ligh bulb, but have not yet added any live rock. Am interested in hearing what others more experienced have to say about the lighting needed for live rock.
  13. bison

    White confetti storm

    Don't know what my Ca level is as I don't have a test for that--yet. Will get one tomorrow. Don't think it's "salt creep" (if I understand correctly what that is?), as the "white confetti" was coming from inside the walls of the tubing from my water pump in the trickle filter and being blown...
  14. bison

    White confetti storm

    I did use a marine buffer about a week ago. Wonder if it could be a residue in the tubing from that? Haven't yet done any filter changes, but have rinsed off my pre-filter a couple times since it happened. Think most of it has cleared out of the water now, but there continue to be a couple of...
  15. bison

    new anemone

    I like it! What kind is it?
  16. bison

    OT: Summers over Back to School

    What a great time for you! Have a good year and enjoy every minute of it. Will be over before you know it!
  17. bison

    White confetti storm

    New 55gal FO tank set-up 3 weeks now with damselfish (I know, I know.... next time will do the shrimp thing). The other night, I bumped the tubing from my pump to the tank and suddenly had a BLIZZARD of what looked like confetti made of white tissue paper flying into the tank! :eek: Had...
  18. bison

    Looking to buy a digital Camera

    Sounds like you've done a lot of planning ahead already! GREAT! How many "quality" pictures will fit on a 128meg card is a question without an easy answer! It all depends on the picture quality settings (resolutions) the camera you chose offers and which one of those settings you chose to use...
  19. bison


    ....I want one of these. But for now, I'll be happy to keep my damselfish alive. :) (Took this picture at Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN.)
  20. bison

    Looking to buy a digital Camera

    I'm Just An Amatuer Photographer, :cool: but..... here's my humble recommendation and suggestions on taking a cruise with a digital. I currenty have 2 digital cameras.... An Olympus 2020Zoom (2.1 megapixel) and an Olympus 4040Zoom (4 Megapixel). Obviously, I like the 4040Zoom better (more...