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  1. fish1031

    Please Help Now Major Mid Night Crisis

    I just come home to find my BTA halfwat in my overflow box ripped by the different teeth in the box where the water overflows... pushed it all the way in the box as gently as possible trying not to rip it worse... had to have been less than 8 hours. turned the filter system off and detached the...
  2. fish1031

    Please help see pic

    not yet alk 7.5
  3. fish1031

    Please help see pic

    thanks did a water change will do another soon and will test PC lights been fine since tank set up good flow 3 powerheads 65g
  4. fish1031

    question please see pic

    Well it got swollen like you said. It did everyday. Haven't seen it like that for a week or so. It was in the tank when i bought it in June.
  5. fish1031

    question please see pic

    do you know why it isn't opening?
  6. fish1031

    Please help see pic

    I have an open brain coral it has not been opening "growing" blobby lately like it used to i felt it today and it is fairly hard but slimy on top... is it dead?
  7. fish1031

    question please see pic

    I have an open brain coral it has not been opening "growing" blobby lately i felt it today and it is faily hard but slimy on top... is it dead?
  8. fish1031

    sad story

    so i could not find my huge perc clown for a few days i emptied the laundry basket next to the tank and found him dead at the bottom...
  9. fish1031

    Help Please Asap!

    I buy and the test kit it probably 6 months old or so. It was not the first batch of water I made w/ the salt mix.
  10. fish1031

    Help Please Asap!

    I am not sure how the ammonia got into the water I added... The reading of the water I added (20g) is 1.0 The tank reading is 0... but i am unsure if it will spike now.
  11. fish1031

    Help Please Asap!

    I just did a regular water change in my 180 FOWLR I had water mixing for 48 hrs and forgot to test before i changed it I did it while in the process of putting the water into the tank I tested it and the ammonia reading was 1.0... added about 20g The tank still reads 0 ammonia. I changed about...
  12. fish1031

    Brain Coral Looks Bad- other good

    My Green brain coral looks shriveled up and not open tonight. All other corals look good and parameters are in check... no no additions or anything.... could it just be dying or what is going on?
  13. fish1031

    Please read i really need help...

    Originally Posted by ccampbell57 Fish - if the grouper looks bad then put him in front of a power head. See if there is anyway you can inspect him fully to see if there are any problems with him. I have a 55g QT tank for my fish as well and when they got ick a while back my puffer was acting...
  14. fish1031

    Please read i really need help...

    Originally Posted by mcbdz Why are you QTing this many fish at one time. This is a large bio load to add at one time. I would keep doing water changes. If something is wrong with the grouper you don't want to put it in you dt. I'd wait and see how it recovers. Maybe add some more circulation...
  15. fish1031

    Please read i really need help...

    Originally Posted by SCSInet IMO this is a bit harsh. This is a QT tank! Are you saying he should have a 220 gallon quarantine tank? yeah seriously calm down i know so many more people with way larger fish in a 55g tank than 3in and its permanent this is a temporary thing so just keep to yourself
  16. fish1031

    Please read i really need help...

    it is only 3-4in all of the three fish... i just have the powerheads and HOB filters should i add an areator bubbler they have been fine for weeks
  17. fish1031

    Please read i really need help...

    I have a 55g QT with a grouper, sohal tang, and queen angel the grouper looks really bad... it is gasping for air all parameters are good except for .5 nitrite other fish like fine should i move the fish to DT or just keep doing water changes.
  18. fish1031

    Help quick corals

  19. fish1031

    5in Sohal Tang

    alright thanks
  20. fish1031

    puffer personality...

    wow well you got me beat with the fish and cleaner crew! He proabably eats more because he eats the other fishes dinners too!