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  1. chem-e

    southdown in Bay Area, CA

    I still have an unopened bag of Southdown from 2 years ago when I bought it off that guy from San Ramon. If you want it, I'll sell it to you for the same amount I bought it for. Let me know if you're interested.
  2. chem-e

    what's the deal with southdown playsand?

    Nas19320-Can I get some info on that SD in Colma? I was able to get a few bags from someone in San Ramon, CA. I'm not sure if he still has anymore though, but if anyone wants the details, email me. I can probably dig up his email address if needed.
  3. chem-e

    southdown in Bay Area, CA

    PM doesn't seem to be working for me, so email me for the info.
  4. chem-e

    southdown in Bay Area, CA

    I picked some up from this guy in San Ramon. I'll try looking for his email.
  5. chem-e

    Switching from CC to Sand

    When I switched to DSB, I took out everything. I had a quarantine tank (with some of the main tank water) that I put some rock into and then the fishes. The rest of the rocks I put in a bucket with a heater and water from the main tank. After that, I took out all the CC and added the sand...
  6. chem-e

    next fish for 40 gal, many questions

    I also have a 40 gal tank with about the same load as you. I have two damsels (one yellow and one yellow tail), a clown, and a coral beauty. I don't know about you, but I feel that my bioload is already pretty high, but that's just me. If I could add another fish, I would go for the flame...
  7. chem-e

    refugium with damsels

    haa haa Those damsels are just a pain in the a$$.
  8. chem-e

    Question about VHO or pc lighting

    I'm upgrading my lights also and I'm going with the VHOs. I've been doing a little research between the two bulbs and I've found that it's really based on personal preferences. I've decided on going with the VHO and I'm actually going to purchase them today. The reason I chose VHOs was due to...
  9. chem-e

    refugium with damsels

    jamesurq - Yeah... catching them is really an accomplishment. Those dam(sels) are really smart. I've never done it without taking out the rocks, so I'll probably work on removing them this weekend.
  10. chem-e

    refugium with damsels

    My main goal with the refugium is to reduce nitrates. It's still a pretty new system (only 6 months old), so I'm just waiting for things to settle in.
  11. chem-e

    refugium with damsels

    I didn't know that they would uproot the caulerpa. I guess I'll have to find someplace else to put them. Maybe they'll go back to the LFS or to a friend's tank.
  12. chem-e

    refugium with damsels

    Thanks for all the replies. I had one question regarding the statement about reducing the amount of pods and critters. How does adding a damsel decrease the amount of pods or critters? It doesn't eat them. They would probably increase the nitrite level in the refugium, but the sand and rocks...
  13. chem-e

    refugium with damsels

    I have a 10gal that I'm using as a refugium. There's some caulerpa, rocks, and sand in the tank. I wanted to move a couple of damsels to the refugium because they've been harrassing my clown. That way, they would have they're own tank. The only problem is that the refugium light is set to...
  14. chem-e

    My two new little guys!

    How do you pair them up? Can you just buy one and then add another one later? I already have a clarkii, but was thinking about adding another one. Will it work itself out or will the original fish just pick on the new fish?
  15. chem-e

    Pics of my tank

    Very nice tank Slobound. I had a question about the fire shrimps. I thought that two fire shrimps wouldn't get along. How are yours doing? Do they ever fight? I had one before and thought about getting a second because I really liked them. Unfortunately, it didn't make it when I had to...
  16. chem-e


    I have a pretty new tank too (4 months old) and have a similar problem. My hermit crab seems to be enjoying it because I see him munching on the diatoms once in a while. Maybe diatoms are part of their diet. I only have 3 hermit in my tank, so they can't keep up with the diatoms. I plan on...