Search results

  1. futurama

    Anyone have Cleaner Shrimp and Coral Banded Shrimp

    CBS's are [hr] . I had one that would catch my clowns by the tail & that ate a fire shrimp. He bullied the entire tank. I returned the CBS & now have two peppermints & a cleaner that eat out of & clean my hand. I will NEVER own another CBS.
  2. futurama

    I think my anemone ate my RL Blenny

    Originally Posted by mdog30001 this is probably the case. this has happened to me to. I had a bonded anenome with clown pair and the anenome ate the clown and then died from eating to much. So consider urself lucky. Ummm, definitely not lucky. It was a long tentacle anemone, by the way. I use...
  3. futurama

    I think my anemone ate my RL Blenny

    I saw my relatively new Red Lip Blenny yesterday & when I got home today my boyfriend said he hadn't seem him all day. There's something dark in the anemone's column & I just saw a peppermint shrimp standing IN THE ANEMONE trying to pull something out of it's mouth. Is my assumption that the...
  4. futurama

    Question abouot Cleanup Crew

    Emerald crabs hide most of the time. I'm not really sure if I still have mine or not. I ended up trading in my CBS. He got very aggressive & was always chasing my fish around. I actually saw him catch a clown by the back fin & then woke up one morning to find him eating a fire shrimp while it...
  5. futurama

    Blue or Red leg hermits???

    I have some of both but I prefer the blues. I've had fewer losses with blues than reds & they are more active & fun to watch. The only red hermit I like is the one with tiny feather dusters stuck on it's shell.
  6. futurama

    Help!!!! Freaking OUT!

    Oh, I didn't take offense. I did need to chill when I first posted. I only wish my tank was cool enough to have hitchhikers. Good ones, of course. I've been scrubbing my rocks so much lately because of the algae that I'm pretty sure I've killed any pods or critters that came in with the rock...
  7. futurama

    Help!!!! Freaking OUT!

    Ha ha... yes, I have 'chilled' but there isn't a way to change my thread title to "Not freaking out anymore but still curious."
  8. futurama

    Help!!!! Freaking OUT!

    It just showed up again in the same place! I can't figure out where it's coming from! Any ideas? I have 2 clowns, 2 firefish, cleaner & peppermint shrimp, lta, feather dusters, mushrooms, hermit crabs, a sally light foot, astrea, turbo & mexican turbo snails.
  9. futurama

    Help!!!! Freaking OUT!

    No, I don't have a wrasse, just 2 clowns & 2 firefish. It's gone now, I guess it was from a snail. I'm still curious as to what it actually was. Thanks guys.
  10. futurama

    Help!!!! Freaking OUT!

    Just got home & there's this weird web thing in my tank. Everyone is fine & don't seem freaked out by it. Any idea what it is? (Yes, I have an algae problem. Let's ignore that for now.)
  11. futurama

    Let's see your favority pics

    I've wanted a pom pom crab forever!!!!! I'm on waiting lists on several sites. So jealous. Oh yeah, nice pictures everyone.
  12. futurama

    mixing coral banded shrimp

    Don't know about the nitrates but my cbs got very aggresive & ate a $30 fire shrimp. I would steer clear, personally. I now have a cleaner & two peppermints and am enjoying the peace.
  13. futurama

    Pics of your dog, cat, bird, etc.

    My 6 month old boston terrier, Goonie:
  14. futurama

    Post pics of your most expensive animal!

    Here's mine! OH! In my tank? It was a $30 fire shrimp that was killed by my coral banded who was returned the next day.
  15. futurama

    Bubbles and Plastic Shipwrecks

    That's awesome. My boyfriend bought one of those bubbling scuba divers for my tank but I refused to put it in. Ha ha. Get a goldfish tank if you want that, dear.
  16. futurama

    When fish are mailed, are they shaken around?

    When you think about it, all the fish at the lfs are most likely mailed there, right? I've ordered fish online from this site & they are very well packaged. I've actually had more luck with & been happier with fish ordered online than when purchased at a store. I know it's a scary idea but it's...
  17. futurama

    base rock

    I'd like to know where you got your rock, as well. Please e-mail me at Thanks!
  18. futurama

    Will anemones eat feather dusters?

    I recently had to do a hair algae rock scrub & my anemone & feather dusters were attached to three different rocks. When I put them back in, my anemone unattached from his rock & reattached on the rock with one of my feather dusters. I really can't move either one of them without potential...
  19. futurama

    Are these eggs?

    I woke up this morning to find this weird spirally thing near the top of my tank. Sorry I don't have a better picture, it's from my phone. Are these snail eggs? If so, should I do anything to protect them or something?
  20. futurama

    How Long Should I Wait?

    I don't really know if that's too many but I have three, two pepps & one cleaner in my 25g, (for a day so really don't listen to me). I too think the fire is the coolest but out of respect for the dead, I got a common cleaner. The thing I like about him is that he doesen't hide like my fire did...