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  1. alane67

    ok, ONE question ;)

    It is not fake? It is dead? lol,,,,I don't know Thanks, I will ask him about the live rock. It shouldn't be a problem, as when they do my maintenance they bring their own water, so I guuess I will just stick with them, and buy fish from there as well. It was nice looking at the pictures of the...
  2. alane67

    HI Newby here

    Thanks, actually iti s not a reef, they called it reef ready. I guess I thought that was what the sump was BUt, I did think this forum was for newby questions. I do plan to get the book, though, then come back and ask questions then. As for the newby forum, heck even the questions...
  3. alane67

    can i add another occelaris clownfish?

    Originally Posted by larryndana IMO, having two is better than three. When you get another one just make sure you watch them, once the dominate one is established all will be ok. The larger will be the dominate and become a female, and the less dominate being the male. They also do not...
  4. alane67

    question about clownfish

    Do they have to have a host, or can thy live happily in a tank that does not have anemones? Thanks, Alane
  5. alane67

    seaclone help

    Originally Posted by AaronAT i just bought a seaclone 100 for my 55 gallon (its been up since christmas) and there is not enough foam to go up the rising tube. the rising tube is set about a half inch above the water line, am i doing something wrong ? ok what is that??? I really want to know. I...
  6. alane67

    ok, ONE question ;)

    The guy that will do my maintenance, works for the guy I bought my tank from. The coral came with the tank and all other decorations. during maintence they are to take out the dead when it starts looking yucky and replace it with clean, etc. Should I just tell him I want to buy live rock? alane
  7. alane67

    HI Newby here

    Originally Posted by Aztec Reef welcome!! just ask questions, preferably one at a time and some one will guide you trough.. :happyfish Yeah, I quess your right, my enthusiasm got the best of me, and wanted to know others favs or experences with reefs. alane
  8. alane67

    HI Newby here

    Cycling with damsels and burning their gills, I let the tank run for a couple of weeks...I don't know what you mean. Sorry Welcome to the boards. I would invest in a good marine book. this will give you the boost in the right direction. The New Marine Aquarium, is a good one to start
  9. alane67

    HI Newby here

    Amazon dot com here I come for the book...thanks for the suggestion. I know stupid questions, but for right now, I appreciate yalls help. It is hard for me to go to a fish store often, as I am epileptic and can't drive, so would only be able to go when I can get a ride. I also have other neuro...
  10. alane67

    HI Newby here

    Hi all, I recently got my first aquarium! :) I bought a 75 gallon reef tank. My starter damsels are doing well so hope to start adding new companions soon. BTW, Since I am new, I am hiring someone to at least do maintenance once a month. I would hate to keep killing fish through trial and...