Search results

  1. sprieto

    What to do about current UG filter?

    No problems, just worried about the nitrite / nitrate build up. Thanks for the advise......
  2. sprieto

    What to do about current UG filter?

    Okay, I know the current understanding that UG filters are bad. But what does one do if they already have one. A have a 60 gallon cycling right now with live rock (doing it right this time). My old 30 gallon I set up wit a UG filter and power heads. Since I now know the UG filter to be bad, what...
  3. sprieto

    skimmer too big???

    Are you pwering your Protein Skimmer with a Power Head? How? Sorry for the ignorant question.
  4. sprieto

    A guide book

    There are lots of books, but the archives on this web site have most of the info you will need. Internet research is good to.
  5. sprieto

    Ugly Axx Feather Duster

    Thank you both for the responce......
  6. sprieto

    Ugly Axx Feather Duster

    So this is a total newbie responce, but I had never seen a Feather Duster up close and personnal, I got one with a cleaning crew, and dawn this thing is ugly. Okay, it finally came out of it's condom, the feathers are cool, "But what the hell do I do this it's tail (root)"? Do I dig it into the...
  7. sprieto

    Formula for Live Rock?

    Cool, do most LFS carry base rock, what is the average cost? Thanks again for the responses.........
  8. sprieto

    Formula for Live Rock?

    Sorry for the newbir lack of knowledge, What's base rock?
  9. sprieto

    Puffers not compatable w/ other Puffers?

    I have read (in compatibility charts) that Puffers do not get along with other Puffers. Is this true? Or is this within the same patical group of Puffers? Basically I was wondering if my Porcupine Puffer would get along with a Blue Haw. Puffer. If anyone has an opinion I would appriciate it. Thanks.
  10. sprieto

    Formula for Live Rock?

    Thank you, your right. I have been calling around the LFS and found it as low as $6 a pound. Still searching.....
  11. sprieto

    Formula for Live Rock?

    Thanks for the reponse, great info. Damn, Live Rock is a little expensive. Even at 1 pound per gallon, that would put me at 60 pounds! Anywhere from $350 to $750.............(if my math is right, around $10 to $12 a pound). I am looking at adding LR for cycle and better tank chemistry purposes...
  12. sprieto

    Best Star Fish for Cleanup?

    Would a Brittle Star and a Serpant Star get along?
  13. sprieto

    Formula for Live Rock?

    Is there a mathamatical formula to know how much live rock to add in a new tank? Pounds per gallon or something? I am starting a 60 gallon and am debating the live rock issue.
  14. sprieto

    Best Star Fish for Cleanup?

    Is the Red Star General a scavanger? How about a Serpent Star, I read there good.
  15. sprieto

    Are refractometer's worth it?

    Has any one heard of a "Digi-Lab". I think it just came out, it's a refractometer that looks like a thermometer. Around $150, but it looks why cool, anyone else seen these yet?
  16. sprieto

    First Porcupine Puffer: Living On The Edge!!!

    I too had issues with my P. Puffer when I first got him (and I am a big newbie). Through a lot of asking and advise, from people on this web site, I recieved a lot of help. Sorry it was to late for your little guy, don't let it discourage you...........
  17. sprieto

    Live White Shrimp vs. Live Ghost Shrimp

    I do not think Harial knew about the posting other sites rule. Still IT WOULD HELP IF ADMIN PEOPLE FROM THIS SITE GAVE US A BETTER METHOD TO COMMUNICATE, MAKE REQUESTES, OR IN GENERAL BETTER MARKETING THROUGH THE NEEDS OF CONSUMERS! Sorry, just hope someone out there is listening.......
  18. sprieto

    Corallife v.s. Instant Ocean

    Instant Ocean, I'm a newbie, but it works great!!!!!
  19. sprieto

    Live White Shrimp vs. Live Ghost Shrimp

    Thanks for the response. That actually is the web site I found them on. I WISH THIS WEB SITE CARRIED SUCH ITEMS! My LFS doesn't have them either, and I hate to pay the shipping charges on snacks! Thanks again.
  20. sprieto

    Anemone requirements?

    Looks good, is that live rock, and live sand?