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  1. brians

    What kind of algae is this?

    Well, I did a little more research and found that this is Red Turf (Gelidium pusillium). Is this what everyone on here refers to as red hair algae? I guess I'm going to get a few Mexican Turbos and see if they'll eat it.
  2. brians

    What kind of algae is this?

    It's not really stiff. It is really hard to scrape off though. Here is a better picture...
  3. brians

    Creature in my rock!?

    It was kind of a light brown and yes it did retract inside itself.
  4. brians

    Creature in my rock!?

    Last night I was looking around in my tank with a flashlight to see if I could fine any little critters that only came out in the dark. I came across this wierd thing sticking out of one of my rocks. :eek: It kinda looked like a small elephant's trunk, for lack of better description, and it...
  5. brians

    What kind of algae is this?

    My live rock came from an established tank. I was wondering what kind of algae these were and if they are good or bad. This green one is soft and long... And this purple one is short and coarse... Thanks in advance!
  6. brians

    How hard is it to make a DIY 100- 120 gallon tank?

    I did alot of research on plywood tanks before I decided to just buy a tank from the store. I found it really only becomes cost effective for tanks around 150 gallons and larger. The piece of glass alone for the 150g tank I was going to build was going to cost around $150, then it was about $50...
  7. brians

    Creature ID help??

    Do these require special lighting? My tank is a FOWLR and I only have a single 72" strip light with 50/50 NO fluorescents.
  8. brians

    AC 802 versus AC 4000 powerheads

    Is there a big difference between the Aquaclear 802 and the Aquaclear 4000 powerheads besides the fact the 802 can do reverse flow? Is the 4000 just the older model? I have an 802 in my tank now and was just going to buy two more 4000's to get my water circulation were I want it to be. They are...
  9. brians

    cycling with LR, when to start water changes?

    I'm just a newbie and still learning but from what I have read, you want to wait to do a water change until after your cycle completes, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, and Nitrates come up. If you did one now you would just be removing the good bacteria you've been trying to grow and thus prolong your cycle.
  10. brians

    Creature ID help??

    Is this some kind of feather duster? I doesn't really look like the other various feather dusters in my tank but it does retract like one. The tube and the crown seem to be made up of the same substance. Also, It seems like each one has a smaller one starting to grow from its base. It hitched in...
  11. brians

    What kind of hermit did I get?

    His pinchers are both the same size. The color I thought was black might actually be more of a brown. I probably paid $6.00 for a $1.00 crab. Oh well, atleast I only bought one and not like 10-20, then I would be mad. I was just curious what kind he was incase he turned out to be some kind of...
  12. brians

    What kind of hermit did I get?

    Here are some pictures... you can see that it has black/white stripes on its legs lengthwise and red antenna...
  13. brians

    What kind of hermit did I get?

    I bought a hermit crab today from my LFS. It was supposed to be a scarlet hermit but when I got it home I noticed it looks nothing like the pictures I've seen. It's legs have black and white stripes long-ways and it's pinchers are kinda black and white speckled. What kind of hermit might this...
  14. brians

    tank, LR, LS, filter 4 sale

    I wanted to know what kind of live rock it is and how much you wanted for it. You can email me at
  15. brians

    tank, LR, LS, filter 4 sale

    Email sent to yahoo address.
  16. brians

    tank, LR, LS, filter 4 sale

    I sent you an email. I may be interested in the live rock.