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  1. brians

    My Light???!

    You will be fine with the regular light for now. Live rock doesn't really need any special light, but when you do get stronger lights it will help the purple coralline algae grow faster. Even when you get fish the regular lights will still be fine. I only had 50watts of regular flouresant light...
  2. brians


    Just put it in a container, like a small butter dish or something, with some tank water for a couple minutes. I do this with my frozen food as well to thaw it.
  3. brians

    Aptasia in fug.??????????

    It hitchhikes in on live rock. I just put a couple small pieces of rock in my fuge and about a week later I noticed one. I blasted it with some boiling water from a turkey baster. I hope to keep it under control before it starts spreading.
  4. brians

    chromis ?

    I have 6 Green Chromis in my 125 and they are pretty neat. I like how they kinda change color from green/blue/purple depending on how the light hits them, like Jess said, kinda like a hologram or something. They have not been aggressive to each other or any other tankmates. I had 2 false perc...
  5. brians

    Ordering from

    I'm pretty sure you have to buy at least $75 worth of stuff. Shipping livestock is usually about $30 or more anywhere online. So you can get $75 worth of stuff with free shipping here or go somewhere else and get maybe $40 worth of stuff plus shipping. I think it is a pretty good deal.
  6. brians

    Help with new bubble coral

    Well it was opened partially at the LFS. It just came in about 4 hours before I bought it and I got a good deal so I took a chance. Also, I think I am one of their best customers so they would probably give me a refund if it dies right away. They usually hook me up pretty good there, I get...
  7. brians

    Help with new bubble coral

    Well, I moved it back up to mid tank but this time in an area of lower flow and it is actually starting to open up a tiny bit now. I guess I'll just sit back and hope for the best.
  8. brians

    Help with new bubble coral

    I just picked up this green bubble from my LFS three days ago. There is only one LFS that carries saltwater in my area so if you see something you want you gotta grab it. So I took my chances and bought this bubble which just came in and hadn't opened up fully yet. It was partially open in the...
  9. brians

    fast test alk. instructions help

    You still have the large tube and small measuring tube correct? Fill the small measuring tube to the top with tank water and pour it into the large tube. Now start adding the reagent one drop at a time, swirling after each drop. Start counting from the very first drop. Initial color will be...
  10. brians

    fast test alk. instructions help

    I have the fasTest Alk and Squidd got it right except for one thing... (number of drops) / 2 = meq/l For example... 7 drops = 3.5 meq/l
  11. brians

    Power Head ?

    Yep, the nitrogen cycle basically works like this.. As ammonia builds, beneficial bacteria forms that processes the ammonia and turns it into nitrItes. Then another beneficial bacteria processes the nitrItes and turns it into the less toxic nitrAte. NitrAte will always be in your aquarium but...
  12. brians

    Power Head ?

    Powerheads circulate the water. You will want to shoot for atleast a 10x turnover rate which would be about 460gph on a 46g tank. You can add any external filters into this total. All your levels seem fine because the nitrogen cycle hasn't even started yet. You don't want to add any fish until...
  13. brians

    Tank Pics.

    Originally posted by spmnarciso I know spray paint is the way to go; I've used it every single tank I've setup. However this one is already setup and I have very limited space to work with, and I definitely don't want to spray paint in my house. Therefore, I was wondering if anyone has ever...
  14. brians

    My 125

    420w VHO with DIY moonlights...
  15. brians

    My 125

    my buddies... The green chromis color came out a little weird.
  16. brians

    My 125

    closer look...
  17. brians

    My 125

    Here's some pictures of my 125g with DIY stand and canopy. It's been up and running great now for about 5 months. I just recently got some VHO lighting so I am going to start to try a couple corals. With the lighting upgrade I got a bit of an algae bloom on the back glass. I need to get some...
  18. brians

    Enough Light? When to turn on and off?

    Yep, moonlights are for nighttime. They are not absolutely necessary but I've read that fish actually prefer a little light opposed to complete darkness. They look pretty cool too. My fish all seem to be more healthy and active since I added my moonlights though I don't know if this has...
  19. brians

    Darn rock

    I just bought a piece of rock with clove polyps which also had a bunch of hair algae on it which was starting to over take them. It was the only rock in my tank with hair algae. Well, my scarlet hermits went crazy on it and cleaned it up in no time. If you want to you can take some of your...
  20. brians

    carbonate hardness-PH

    I have no idea why Hagen is saying >125mg/l is unusually high. I even found a hardness conversion calculator on the hagen website and it converts 135mq/l to 2.7meq/l. And I'm sure everyone will agree that 2.7meq/l is definitely not high but actually a little bit low...