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  1. brians

    carbonate hardness-PH

    What brand of test kit is this? It says in my fasTesT Alkalinity kit that meq/l x 50 = ppm(mg/l) Also, I double checked and on the following website it says the same thing. No outside links are allowed on this board so to get to the page I found... go to and search for "alkalinity...
  2. brians

    LR brown spots

    Oh, were you referring to the big maroon spot in the middle of the first pic? If so, that is not diatoms and probably what spmnarciso posted. Diatoms are more of a brown film.
  3. brians

    2nd try

    It's not necessarily the best coral for a beginner because the Euphyllia family are hard corals which require calcium supplimentation for their hard skeletal base. Are you testing for Calcium, Alkalinity, etc..? Better first corals would be mushrooms, polyps, softies, etc.
  4. brians

    Opinion On Backgrounds

    I vote for painting. If you do paint, use a latex-based paint. That way you could always scrape it off if you wanted to change it. Just make sure the surface is really clean first so it sticks good. Also, put a piece of masking tape along the frame on the top and bottom or the paint could creep...
  5. brians

    carbonate hardness-PH

    1 meq/l = 50 mg/l (or ppm) So 135 mg/l = 2.7 meq/l That doesn't sound high at all to me. Natural saltwater is around 3.0 meq/l. I think the average most people shoot for is 3.5-4.5 meq/l.
  6. brians

    Something to get rid of phosphate

    Have you tried looking in a grocery store for a r/o water vending machine? I have a Giant Eagle by me with a Glacier water machine and a Walmart with a Culligan water machine. These machines are RO, DI, UV,.. all that good stuff. At the Walmart machine it is only $0.33 a gallon and about once a...
  7. brians

    LR brown spots

    It is most likely diatoms. This brown algae is a normal part of a cycling tank. You will probably notice it on your sand and glass as well. After the tank has cycled you can put in a clean up crew consisting of various snails, hermits, etc. and they will clean everything up for you.
  8. brians

    A few of my critters...

    My buddy "Scoot" My clowns Cleaning time Coming out to eat
  9. brians

    White fibers all over glass??

    I don't know. *********** messed up my order and sent me 13 peppermint shrimp instead of 3 so if they liked to eat this stuff it would of been gone by now.
  10. brians

    White fibers all over glass??

    I have some q-tip sponges on my LR and this stuff looks nothing like it really. This stuff is just a bunch of tiny fuzzy hairs. The problem is that the whole front of my tank is covered with a layer of this "fuzz" and it's making my tank look like crap. I scraped them off again the other day and...
  11. brians

    White fibers all over glass??

    I have some kind of growth on the front of my glass. It looks like a bunch of white fibers, almost cotton-like. Kind of like a layer of fuzz. What could this be? It is making my tank look like crap. I scraped it off about a week ago and now it is back again. I need to get more snails because I...
  12. brians

    pale Regal Tang at LFS, can he regain his color?

    I was at my LFS today and there was a nice sized (5-6") Regal Tang there I was thinking about getting. The thing is, he is very discolored. He is obviously very stressed probably from being in such a small tank (10 gallon?) and probably isn't being fed properly. I also noticed they had a yellow...
  13. brians

    Ammonia in tap water??

    Yep, also tested for NitrAtes. They read 0. Can the ammonia in the tap water be harmful to US?
  14. brians

    Ammonia in tap water??

    OK, I guess I'm just going to have to go get some RO water to do the change. Thanks.
  15. brians

    Ammonia in tap water??

    I just rechecked the color of my tank water and I think it is actually between 0.0-0.25 not 0.50. This is why I tested my tap water. I can't really tell the color on this Aquarium Pharmaceuticals test kit.
  16. brians

    Ammonia in tap water??

    treated city water I think my ammonia is up because I just added a Scooter Blenny a couple days ago and I think I may have been overfeeding recently. That is why I wanted to do a partial water change.
  17. brians

    Ammonia in tap water??

    I tested my tapwater for ammonia to get a comparison to my tank water. My tank, which has been up for about a month, was originally filled with tap water and I haven't done any water changes yet. Here is a picture of my test results. On the left is my tank water and on the right is my tap water...
  18. brians

    125g FOWLR stock list help

    Thanks for the input guys! I'm still not sure what kind of large angel I want. I've done alot of reading on the Emperor and I did find that it is a difficult fish. The large angel is going to be the last fish I put in so I have some time to decide. Good news on the Scooter Blenny. Today he ate...
  19. brians

    125g FOWLR stock list help

    This is my first SW tank. It is a 125 gallon FOWLR with about 120lbs of Fiji (taken from an established tank), a 4-5" DSB, and a Seaclone 150 skimmer. It's been up for about a month and all my parameters check out. I have 6 Green Chromis that have been in there for about a week. I also have the...
  20. brians

    Creature in my rock!?

    Yep, definitely a peanut worm. It kinda scared me because I was right up on the glass looking for tiny creatures. Pretty gross looking. Thanks guys!