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  1. xrayharmony

    peppermint shrimp mystery!

    I found my peppermint tonight either regurgitating or eating a cocoon like thing... it was gray and looked just like a small cocoon. about 1 inch long and maybe a 1/4 of an inch wide. Anyone ever see this before or have an idea of what it could be?! Thanks!:confused:
  2. xrayharmony

    HELP! something is eating my fish!?!?

    hmm... very interesting... i have learned many new things today... Well... for shortness since i have to leave for work... all of my water parameters are great. I've had the star for almost a year, and the sea apple does not look stressed at all and nothing else is stressed as far as i can...
  3. xrayharmony

    HELP! something is eating my fish!?!?

    just had to bump to see if i could get anyone else to give me an opinion:) thanks!
  4. xrayharmony

    HELP! something is eating my fish!?!?

    TY:) :( :) :(
  5. xrayharmony

    29 and under

    here's my 10 gal spotted puffers and damsels... i know it's not a reef but hey... gotta love puffers!
  6. xrayharmony

    HELP! something is eating my fish!?!?

    That's what i was afraid of....:( :( :( would the dreaded mantis possibly do this? or would it be something else?:mad:
  7. xrayharmony

    HELP! something is eating my fish!?!?

    alright... i have a carpet anemone, 2 maroon gold stripe clowns, a yellow tang, a sea apple, 2 other sand sifting stars, 3 brittle stars- 2 black one red, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, many snails and hermits... that's it.. i hope it's not a hitchhiker. But there hasn't been...
  8. xrayharmony

    HELP! something is eating my fish!?!?

    I came home from work this morning to find that something has eaten one arm off of my coral banded shrimp and to find my sand sifting starfish drawn and quartered!!! I can't imagine what is doing this... but it's disturbing! I have a red brittle star... could he be the culprit? any...
  9. xrayharmony

    post anemone and clownfish pics

    thanks sammy... at least i know one thing grows in my tank LOL! now it's got to go!!!! you should have seen the softball sized one that was floating around my tank about a month ago! the fish were scared for their lives:eek:
  10. xrayharmony

    More babies born-update.

    That's awesome! You are a great seahorse mother! Best of luck! They are sooo cute!
  11. xrayharmony

    ~*~ YoUr FaV pEt PiCtUrEs~*~

    Last one... I PROMISE!:D
  12. xrayharmony

    ~*~ YoUr FaV pEt PiCtUrEs~*~

    Ok, just one more!
  13. xrayharmony

    ~*~ YoUr FaV pEt PiCtUrEs~*~

    Vern my attention slut...:rolleyes:
  14. xrayharmony

    ~*~ YoUr FaV pEt PiCtUrEs~*~

    Courage the Cowardly Lion:D
  15. xrayharmony

    what does your clown host

    jjet... that's a great pic... i say we call it " HAMMERHEAD DIVING":D
  16. xrayharmony

    pics of you guys!

    Tangs, stunt driving is your hobbie? Or is it just that you're so old it looks like stunt driving;-) That pic is just the best! LOL At least i make myself laugh... lol:D
  17. xrayharmony

    Need advice on feeding large sebae anemone "my clowns are pigs and stealing food"

    In getting back to the original question, with a piggy clown, i've had lots of luck feeding the anemone during a regular feeding of the fish. The fish are away and busy darting to get their own food and tend to leave the anemone alone for the most part. I also feed my anemone a larger piece of...
  18. xrayharmony

    The Basics of Aiptasia

    I just recently rescued a large open brain that was left for dead in a tank that aiptasia had taken over and killed everything else in the tank. I brought the brain home to my 125gal that has just 2 peppermints in it and they heat seeked and ate the aiptasia that were growing out of the brain...
  19. xrayharmony

    help identify?

    THANK YOU!!!:D
  20. xrayharmony

    what does your clown host

    My gold stripe maroons host in my carpet...:)