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  1. wannabfish

    Nitrate concerns........

    Are you running a skimmer, or growing caulerpa? otherwise you will see nitrate's in your system. Partial water changes with lower the levels, or purchasing a quality protein skimmer, or growin algae in the fuge with typically solve the problems.
  2. wannabfish

    Little White Spots

    Diatoms possibly?
  3. wannabfish

    Try to explain this if you dare.

    from my experience with anenome's, they dont "require" strong light if properly fed. in some instance's, they actually prefer partial shade. But if you want it to move into view, a suggestion would be to turn a powerhead towards it, they will normally move due to the fact they dont like strong...
  4. wannabfish

    aclimating lights

    thats a very good question. I would suspect that everything in your tank will react differently to the new spectrum of lighting even though it is of the same wattage. IMO acclimation would be advisable.
  5. wannabfish

    chevrons coloration

    I recently purchased a chevron tang from The coloration if not that of a juvenille, or of an adult. Im very dissapointed, i was wanted a juvenille as i suspect most people would want. but anyway, i guess im asking if there are color changes they go through that is between the...
  6. wannabfish

    Pros and Cons of Macro

    Thanks kip, i would appreciate that. I presently am growing caulerpa in my fuge, with no problems to date, but wasnt aware of there being any ill effects of them. But i would like to know more about the ill effects you spoke of, and decide if changing mine over to something else is in my best...
  7. wannabfish

    are my lights strong enough for any inverts?

    Also, that wasnt meant to be disrespectful or combatative to anyone on here, just pointing out that often there is an opinion given on the subject of lighting that isnt always 100% accurate
  8. wannabfish

    are my lights strong enough for any inverts?

    it never fails to amaze me at some opinions given on here for lighting. -for once, i think ill add my opinion as well. there is no difinitive answer on lighting. "watts per gallon" means absolutely nothing if its not the proper intensity or colors. however, with your lighting, you could easily...
  9. wannabfish

    two tangs together???

    I think in a tank that size, 2 tangs is very feasible. BUT, i dont think there is ever a guarantee with fish personalities. I do know that purple tangs are one of the more aggressive tangs. The best info i could lend to you is this, personally, if it were me, i would put them both in at the same...
  10. wannabfish

    Please Please Help me

    very nice pic of a rtba thomas. But im gonna have to dissagree again with you on the lighting aspect of keeping any bta. although they are capable of autotrophic, they can and should also be fed to survive. I have seen many bta's shy away from mh lighting by climbing under shelves. In fact, many...
  11. wannabfish

    Pros and Cons of Macro

    Kip, if you dont mind my asking, where did you get your info on that? i would like to do some deep research on that subject. wondering if you could point me in a direction here
  12. wannabfish

    How important is it?

    IMO its for nothing more than a way to hold your glass lids on top, which im assuming you dont use anyway. from my calculations, you would be safe removing it.
  13. wannabfish

    Please Please Help me

    I could be wrong, maybe im looking at the picture wrong or something, but i disagree. I dont believe that rbta in the pic was bleached. looks pretty normal to me.
  14. wannabfish

    Please Please Help me

    yes, that is a rtba, looks good and healthy to me. Mine eats formula 1 or formula 2. seems to like that the best. but will eat quite an assortment of foods, including krill, brine shrimp, silversides. just try things, it will let you know what it likes, and you may try feeding it a variety of...
  15. wannabfish

    some good food for a yellow tang?

    I agree 100% on feeding a variety of foods. Also, you may try soaking the food in a few drops of vitamin for fish, i personally use kent zoe marine vitamins. I normally soak the food in a few drops of zoe, and a small amount of water. works well for me, and the color and health of my fish.
  16. wannabfish

    Cleaning help?

    I just use a quality magnet scraper with the softer material made specifically for acrylic tanks. Also, i just use the magnet scraper very close to the sand bed, disturbing as little as possible. stirs up just a little, and ive had no ill effects from doing so thus far. not sure if there is a...
  17. wannabfish

    Alkalinity and carbonate hardness question?

    your dkh reading is alkalinity. :cheer: number looks good, and calcium level looks good. as long as your ph is 8.2 to 8.4 which id imagine it is from your dkh reading. Assuming all your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate is good, your water chemistry should be good enough for thriving and...
  18. wannabfish

    Alkalinity and carbonate hardness question?

    im sure your lfs guy knows his stuff, but i think he confused you a bit. Ph and alkalinity are different. alkalinity is more or less the waters ability to resist change in your ph. but to make things simple, let me say that to keep your corals happy and growing, you need a ph test kit, you will...
  19. wannabfish

    Alkalinity and carbonate hardness question?

    from my understanding, yes! its the waters ability to keep a steady ph, and has a direct corralation to how much the water is capable of absorbing as far as minerals and nutrients such as calcium and etc. i could look up a more detailed explanation of the alk. chemistry of water for you if you...
  20. wannabfish

    mh.. how long???

    i guess my next question would be what type of lighting do you presently have, and how long are you leaving them on presently? just in opinion of mine would be to cut the duration of lighting in half almost. id say 3 to maybe 4 hours to start with. as you will see, mh is very intense light...