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  1. denniss

    Feeding My Hippo

    I have had my hippo tang for about 5 months and was wondering if anybody else out there can feed it by your hand. Mine is such a pig I can put a pinch of flakes between my fingers and she will eat from there. Maybe thats the advantage of having my tank in my office she is not afraid of me...
  2. denniss

    Blue Hippo has a wierd new please

    My hippo had a very bad case of ick and I started to treat it but it slowly got better. I never did a thing but fed it very good.After about 1 month it was completely gone and hasnt returned.I think controling the water temp is very important for hippos.
  3. denniss

    something in my filter

    Some were about 1/4 inch long and the largest were about 1/2 inch long.They swim alot faster than brine shrimp because a caught a few and dropped them in the main tank to see what they would do.
  4. denniss

    Hippo Tangs

    I have had one for about 5 months and it doubled in size in that time. It is now about 4 inches long and eats like a pig.
  5. denniss

    Clown question

    I have a maroon clown that has taken home to a flowerpot coral.Is this common or do I have a goofy clown.
  6. denniss

    something in my filter

    The other day I was cleaning out my filter in my sump and living in the media were hundreds of small brine shrimp like creatures.Is this common and what do you think they are.
  7. denniss


    Do you know if it is safe for most corals.I have about 10 different kinds and almost like them better than the fish.Not really.
  8. denniss


    Please advise me if greenex is a good treatment for ick. It seems safe even for inverts.Has anyone used this product.
  9. denniss

    Help I.D.

    From what I could see it had no shell at all.
  10. denniss

    Help I.D.

    I need help in identifing a worm like creature. Its about 3/4 of an inch long 1/8 in diameter and moves on the glass like a slug or snail.Its white in color and has 2 horns on its head.I saw a couple of smaller ones too.Can these be harmful .Please let me know.
  11. denniss

    Blue Hippo fin

    I purchased a blue hippo about 2 weeks ago. It is doing great but the top first fin(dorsil) has the bone sticking out instead of skin covering it.Its looks funny because its a solid white. Will the blue skin grow back over the fin???
  12. denniss

    Im tired of hearing this...

    A LFS has a purple tang in a 20 gal that they have had for six years. It is only about 3-4 inches long and looks very healthy. It does look lonely because its the only fish in the tank but it hasnt grown in years.
  13. denniss

    How to feed fish seaweed select

    I use a piece of pvc pipe.Attach the seaweed with rubber band and your hands never touch the water.
  14. denniss order

    I have ordered from them 3 times in the last year.The first 2 orders were great, but the last had 2 fish arrived dead. I contacted them several times and they informed me that i needed a signature receipt which i did 2 receive credit.I told them they were losing a good customer.
  15. denniss

    water question

    I see you have a 75 gal like mine. How often and how much are you changing the water.I have had my tank up for about 4 months and have made 2 water changes of about 15 gals each.
  16. denniss

    water question

    My tank evaporates about 7 gallons of water a week.Do I still need to make water changes even though im adding so much water weekly ?
  17. denniss

    Clown Question

    I have had a maroon clown in my tank for about 3 weeks and it has no interest in the anemone .Is this OK or does it take a long time for it to host in the anemone.
  18. denniss

    feeding a sallylightfoot

    I have had my for about three months and loves frozen brine shrimp.I feed it with a turkey baster.Its fun to watch because they are so very fast at grabbing the shrimp.
  19. denniss

    How do you feed a starfish

    My 4 inch starfish was crawling around the bottom so I got a piece of nori saeweed sheet and put the star on top of it. He has been eating since.
  20. denniss


    I have been adding iodine and reef calcium to my tank.I added about 25 more pounds of live rock a week ago and it already has some spots of purple on it.The article I read is SeaScope Volume 20 Issue 4 2003 by Aquarium Systems.It was very interesting.