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  1. denniss

    best place to get zoos?

    Have you tried Aquatic Warehouse in S.A.Very good corals.Best in SanAntonio.Check them out.
  2. denniss


    Just got finished reading a good article on sea-urchins.It said that the presence of urchins greatly stimulate the growth of coralline algea by three fold.I have 2 in my tank that is only 3 months old and the coralline is everywhere.Im thinking of adding a couple more urchins.
  3. denniss

    tidepool wet/dry

    I have one on my 75 gal at the office.Seems to be a great sump but it is a little loud.I dont think I would have it if it was going to be in my bedroom.
  4. denniss

    red algea

    Is red algea bad in a tank.There is a small amount growing on some of my rock.
  5. denniss

    Do fish feel pain

    I have always wondered if fish feel pain. I have heard that cold blodded amimals dont. Is this true?
  6. denniss

    naso tang

    My naso tang is doing great in my tank.It is a 75 gal but the tang is only about 3 inches long.If he gets too big I have a friend that will take him in a couple of years.Great fish eats like a pig.
  7. denniss

    bio load

    Does adding inverts like crabs and snails,add to the bio load of your tank.Just wandering?
  8. denniss

    naso tang

    The second I put the net in the water they hide behind the rock. I think I will use the chase them in the corner and slide a piece of glass behind them trick.
  9. denniss

    naso tang

    I have tried to get them out but i cant catch them. I have read about traps and i made a crude bottle one, left it in the tank with food in it and they just laughed at me. I dont want to remove all the rock so any suggestions will help.
  10. denniss

    naso tang

    I have a 75 gal. 1 Naso tang 3 inches long 1 Kole tang 2 inches long 4 damsels
  11. denniss

    naso tang

    Is it common for a naso tang to change colors. Mine seems to change from light gray body to very dark almost black. Is this OK. Also he cruises around the rocks so much that at times he has like scratch marks on its body. He seems very happy and eats like a pig.
  12. denniss


    My fish man at the lfs told me that you should never have a power pump on a refugium, that it should be only overflow water poured into the tank. He said if you use a pump that it will kill some of the pods and stuff. Is this true?
  13. denniss

    Adding live rock

    2 Tangs,2 damsels,cleaner shrimp,2 feather dusters,crab,hermits snails and a couple of corals
  14. denniss

    Adding live rock

    What is the proper way to add more live rock to exhisting rock. Tank is only 2 months old and want to add about 20 lbs more.
  15. denniss


    Can i add sand to a crushed coral bottom. Tank is 2 months old and i wish now i would have went with a sand bed.
  16. denniss

    Naso tang diet.

    Try spirulina flakes.Mine love it along with the brown seaweed.
  17. denniss

    ammonia level

    Im using aquarium pharmaceuticals for all my tests.
  18. denniss

    ammonia level

    The tangs look great and are eating like pigs. I have 2 corals and one is not opening like is has the last month making me wonder that there is a water problem. Also my feather duster is going in and out of its tube all day long.This makes me wonder too. Checked water this morning and numbers...
  19. denniss

    ammonia level

    Tank cycled about a month ago. I have 2 small tangs and 5 damsels that i used for cycling that i cant catch.
  20. denniss

    ammonia level

    How do you lower the ammonia level? Tank is 2 months old and the numbers are as follows. Nitrate 0 nitrite 0 alk 220 PH 8.4 Ammonia.25 Did a 20% water change yesterday thinking that would help but it didnt. Any susgestions