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  1. aegiale

    Purple Tang Dies Suddenly...

    Thanks, I was really disappointed. He was always so active! I know this might sound like a stupid question, but do you think the paler / whitish spots are due to disease or just effects of death? I'm concerned about my other fish now, too.
  2. aegiale

    Purple Tang Dies Suddenly...

    Attachment 244688Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me because I am at a loss. I've had my purple tang for over three years; the man before me had him for about two. He was a very healthy fish and was eating and swimming around happily last night. I woke up this morning and he was floating...
  3. aegiale

    75 Gallon Stand, Tank, Live Rock in North Carolina

    I am selling my 75 gallon ‘All-Glass’ aquarium, stand, and wet/dry sump (including bio balls). If the winner is interested, I will also throw in some live rock and / or a large (6-inch) lunare wrasse fish as he will be too big for my new tank (pictured below). The canopy and any other...
  4. aegiale

    Have my damsels mated?

    Lately my two domino dams have been very aggressive with each other and the other fish in my tank. Often they fight each other and lose their black color, turning all white. This afternoon I noticed there are thousands of little white dots stuck to the side of my tank; that one of them is...
  5. aegiale


    Wow, I had no idea. I'd been noticing some odd snails for a couple weeks but finally got a closer look at one today. I was scared! There are a few in my tank... I haven't added anything for months so I'm not sure why they've suddenly decided to make their appearance. Thanks guys :)
  6. aegiale


    Does anyone know what this is and if it should be removed? Thanks.
  7. aegiale

    Toad Worries

    Hello. I have had my large toadstool leather and [what I was told was a finger leather] for just over a month now. I'm concerned because the finger leather (on the left) is not opening up and seems to be smaller each day. The toadstool leather is not opening up except for sometimes, when it...
  8. aegiale

    Can someone I.D. this hermit crab?

    I had the same crab with the same anemone on it. I was advised to take it out of my tank because it would harm the fish, but I never did and no one was ever hurt. He finally died last year and the anemone has since attached himself onto a rock. Perhaps it depends on the size of your crab...
  9. aegiale

    Buying from

    I really like buying from this site. I think in generally it's less expensive than most LFSs when you purchase more than a couple items at a time and, I'm not sure about with yours, but many of my old LFSs didn't have a 7 day guarantee. does, so that makes me feel better even though I...
  10. aegiale

    Fragged a colt coral.

    For what it's worth, I tried fragging my large colt and all pieces died and they wouldn't stay on the toothpicks. I will try to glue them next time, although I've read mixed reviews about doing that.
  11. aegiale


    Mine either ate (I think ate) or destroyed a whole colony of polyps. I gave him away.
  12. aegiale

    whats wrong with my anemones?

    I heard anemones can be out of water for a limited time with no problems... is this true?
  13. aegiale

    Are these Pods?

    Melody that is them exactly. So they're Q-tip sponges. Thanks everyone!
  14. aegiale

    Are these Pods?

    Perhaps they're vase sponges. They do look sort of spongy and like this person's picture in this thread: My tank has been set up for over a year now.
  15. aegiale

    Are these Pods?

    No, my tank is not cycling. Wouldn't snails move around? I really don't think they're snails. I'm going to look up vase anemones.
  16. aegiale

    Are these Pods?

    Well I would assume they're alive because they've attached themselves to the back of my tank. But I don't know what they are, so I'm not postive?
  17. aegiale

    Are these Pods?

    Yeah, they're definitely not brine. They do sway a little in the current, so they're not too hard, but they're stationary.
  18. aegiale

    Are these Pods?

    No, they're not curled up
  19. aegiale

    Are these Pods?

    Okay, well then they're not pods. I can't figure out what they are. They're quite visible to the [hr] eye. Some are as large as almost 1 cm long. They look slightly round towards the base and then it almost look as if they have a little feather duster tip, but they're too small to tell.
  20. aegiale

    Are these Pods?

    I have these little white things all over the back wall of my reef tank and have no clue what they are... anyone know? They don't look like 'bugs', they don't seem to move. Are they good or bad? Thanks.