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  1. crustymonk

    Yet another light question....

    I currently have an 80 gal tank. In it is 110 LR 110 LS. I have some Green Flower anemonies that are doing well. I would like to put T5 retrofit lights because of heat and noise issues with my MH setup. What would you guys recommend for a good retrofit setup with T5s? Thanks
  2. crustymonk

    My Setup?

  3. crustymonk

    My Setup?

    Hello, I want to get some opinions on how I have my setup.' I have a 80 Gal DT and a 26 gal ref/sump. I am having problems with heat, sometimes tank hit 90 deg, so I have a chiller. Right now I have a HOB OFB that goes to my sump then a pump to the chiller and back into my DT. Is this OK? Ihave...
  4. crustymonk

    Natural sea water

    Originally Posted by LAZARUS i get my water from Scripps here in San Diego, also free, and from the activity there i think alot of people and LFS use it. i have never bothered to check salinity of it. I get my water from the same place.
  5. crustymonk

    Need chiller with metal halide lighting?

    Originally Posted by arsen_36 hey crustymonk! where in so. cal. do you live? El Cajon
  6. crustymonk

    Need chiller with metal halide lighting?

    I am running 400w MH and my tank was getting past 90. I went ahead and bought the chiller just in case cause I live in Southern Cali. and it gets real hot here were I live.
  7. crustymonk

    Coralline! Make it stop!!!

    Originally Posted by Mikeyjer The way I get them to spread is by scraping the existing coraline algae with my finger nails and spread the scrapings with the powerhead. :happyfish So can you use a metal brush to lightly scrape the coraline and help it spread? Also I am running 300w MH, Will I...
  8. crustymonk

    Overflow question

    Hello, I have an 80 DT and have just completed my 29 gal sump tank. I am going to put in a 1200 gph overflow box and was wondering a few things... 1- is 1200 gph to much? 2- If I use a 820 gph pump for the return, will the overflow box compensate for that or do I need need a 1200 gph pump? 3- I...
  9. crustymonk

    First sump attempt

  10. crustymonk

    First sump attempt

    I was going to use a 600 gph overflow direct feed into the sump. Could you explain the "Berlin System"????? Also I have a chiller , not yet installed due to my MH lights, With a 600 ghp overflow, could I use a equivelent pump to go from the sump through the chllier and into the tank? Thanks
  11. crustymonk

    First sump attempt

    I have a 26 gal tank that I am turning into a sump for my 80 gal DT. Is there any rule on how big the fuge area should be? Mine is 11 inches. My skimmer area is 8 inches and the return are is 6 inches. Is this OK? :notsure: Oh ya. I still need another baffle for the return area.
  12. crustymonk

    Chiller, Sump, filter question

    I just received my chiller today. I am also going to start my 29 gal sump this weekend. My question is, can I have my water drain into the chiller then into the sump then use my Fluval 405 to push the water back to the DT? Does this make any sense? Here how I would like my sump to be..... Thanks
  13. crustymonk

    Question about adding sand

    A pillow case. To me a little easier to pour into and pour out.
  14. crustymonk

    Sump Question

  15. crustymonk

    Sump Question

    Sure, I like the setup on this drawing and will probaly use it. I am going to pick up all the stuff probally on Tuesday. My chiller comes in on Friday so I will need to get plumbing for that as well and incorporate it into the sump. Call me.
  16. crustymonk

    Sump Question

  17. crustymonk

    Sump Question

  18. crustymonk

    Sump Question

    Hello...I have a 80 DT and want to put a 29 Gak sump/fuge. I found this drawing of a sump here on this forum and had a few questions. The orig drawing had 2 inlet and 2 oulet pipes, can I get away with 1 inlet and 1 oulet? And why is there a breakoff from the return pipe back into the fuge area...
  19. crustymonk

    want to make sump out of 29 tank

    Originally Posted by coachKLM BAAAAM : Coach, could you explain how the plumbing is configured? I am little confused. Especially the return pipes, why the breakoff into the fuge?