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  1. crustymonk

    MH question

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Yes, MH do have a color rateing know as kelvin ( K rateing ) if it low around 6500K then thats very yellowish but best for growth and can be offset useing PCs or T5s ect. that are actinic blue and the more you use the blueer everything looks. You can buy MHs up to a...
  2. crustymonk

    MH question

    This what it has now,2x150W HQI bulb and 4x21W T5 bulb actinic blue. Do the MH have a color temp? :notsure: Sorry for ignorant question. New to this stuff.
  3. crustymonk

    MH question

    I have 300 w MH with 2-21w T5 blues on my 80 gal DT. The tank looks yellowish form the MH. Could I add more blue PC light to tone the yellow down? Would that work? Thanks in advance.
  4. crustymonk

    Heat issues

    Sorry guys....did some research and figured it out
  5. crustymonk

    Heat issues

    I have a 80 gal tank with 100 lbs LR and 110 LS. Bunch of snails and some hermits. I also have 4 green chromis in here. I just purchased some lighting, 2)150 w MH and 184 T5 blue. Now I have a temp problem. Rhe temp is getting up around 86. I put a 17" fan above the tank last night to see if it...
  6. crustymonk

    noob....Heat from Lights

    I just got 384 watts of metal halide and T5 for my 80 gal and notice the water temp starting to get up around 85-88 degrees. The lights are about 8" above the tank. What is a acceptable water temp and what are my option to cool it down if needed. Thanks
  7. crustymonk

    cleaning sand?

    Just was wondering what is the best way to clean sand? My tank went through its cycle and I have tons of die off all over my sand. I tried to siphon it but it justs creates a sand storm. Any suggestions or is that just the way it is? :thinking:
  8. crustymonk

    Aqua C Remora Pro

    I just installed my remora pro, after I cleaned it good, and as soon as I turned it on it started foaming. First white then started to get a little brown. My question is, is the cup supposed to also fill with water as well? Its been on for about 2 hours now and I already had to empty some water...
  9. crustymonk

    zoo question

    I ordered a clean up crew and received them yesterday. To my surprise there were about 3 green zoos in the bag. I am not sure what to do with them. I placed them in the sand, Is that allright? Any suggestions? Thanks
  10. crustymonk

    Anyone have a coralife skimmer??

    I Like Applesauce
  11. crustymonk

    Little feather duster

    I just located my first signs of life in my tank. :jumping: I am a noob so excuse me but it looks like a little feather duster. (Wish I had a decent camera to post a pic) It does spread out and shoot back in a tube every now and then. My question is....I am planning on buying a cleaning crew to...
  12. crustymonk

    Confused about my tank cycling

    That don't look like a lot of rock for 100 lbs. Must be some heavy rocks. Good Luck! Ya I know. There were some big rocks. I am going to add some more. I am thinking of getting the rock from here. Ive heard a lot of good things about the LR here.
  13. crustymonk

    Confused about my tank cycling

    yes the LR was cured..Thanks for the response
  14. crustymonk

    Confused about my tank cycling

    Ok, I have an 80 gal tank, 100 lbs LR, and 110 lbs LS. I have 260 watts of lighting with moon lights. The tank has up for about 3 weeks now. I have been testing water every 2 days. No signs of any spike. Ive taken a water sample to a lfs to confirm my readings. I was first going to throw a...
  15. crustymonk

    What do you think about this protein skimmer

    What is the feeling on the Prism Skimmer that is sold here on this site. I have a 80 g FOWLR and limited soft corals?
  16. crustymonk

    When to start expecting changes?

    One of the LFS said to add some Damsels and maybe a Some type of shrimp to aid in the process. Does this sound right? As of today the water readings still havnt changed at all.
  17. crustymonk

    adding a shrimp

    Thanks.... I will hold on the shrimp. My LR was cured and only out of water for about 3 hours. My amonia reached .5 yesterday but today it is .25. I do have these white little 'BUGS' on the glass, plus a little white worm looking thing on the glass. Is this a good sign? I am actually going to...
  18. crustymonk

    adding a shrimp

    tank is 6 days old. The levels havnt moved much in those days. There is 100 LR and 110 LS.
  19. crustymonk

    adding a shrimp

    I was going to add a shrimp to my 80 gal to help it along its cycle. Its suppoese to be uncooked and peeled right? :notsure: or does it matter?