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  1. diy

    Sump above aquarium?!

    Originally Posted by runn3rb3an I know very little about sumps and please correct me if im wrong (currently working on my own) but why couldnt you pump the water up from the tank into the sump and then just have a tube siphoning the water back into the tank? just sort of switch the two around...
  2. diy

    Sump above aquarium?!

    Hi all, Does anyone run a sump above their aquarium. I am doing an in wall setup and it would be a lot more convenient if the sump was above the tank. Here are my concerns: 1. Pump, I heard that pumps are meant to pull and not push. Is this true? 2. Lighting, this one really concerns me. With...
  3. diy

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Is the tank divider the best thing to use for the scrubber?
  4. diy

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Thanks SantaMonica, how is your wide narrow setup going? I plan on doing a setup similar to yours but, the lights will be on one side only.
  5. diy

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    hi, I have a couple questions. 1. Do I need a seeded screen for a new tank? If so, where can I get one.(PM me) 2. Can I have glass or arcylic in between the light and the screen?, will this affect growth? Thanks
  6. diy

    In closet/wall shallow tank build

    Originally Posted by SCSInet Are you planning to use those slides to allow the tank to slide out from the opening? Are you sure they are rated for the weight you are going to be dealing with? haha no way. I used them for a loft bed I built for a friend.
  7. diy

    In closet/wall shallow tank build

    thats what I was afraid of so, Im instaling a vent that leads outside. Also all the shelves are boxed off and sealed. the front is the only side that is not covered
  8. diy

    In closet/wall shallow tank build

    Hello all, This is my progress so far on my in wall shallow tank build. My room is small so, this happens to be in closet too:) I will also be putting in a hinged shelf above the tank for access. heres some pics of the loft bed I'm almost finished with. Thanks
  9. diy

    240g in wall shallow reef build

    very nice. Mine will just like that but, 5 times smaller
  10. diy

    12" too shallow?

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Personally, I would make it a lagoon tank. I would fill it with 6" of sand. Then I would put a few mangrove trees in it so they can grow big and have their root systems branch inside of the tank. Then I would have a couple of pearly jawfish, feather dusters...
  11. diy

    12" too shallow?

    Originally Posted by saltwatersubie Yes!!!! more subie lovers What color?? White, I was t-boned by a teenage unlicensed driver a few months ago. its totaled, I'm saving for a white 05 sti...White FTW
  12. diy

    12" too shallow?

    WOW! killer ideas. I am now really looking forward to this build.
  13. diy

    12" too shallow?

    sounds good. WangoTango can you elaborate on the cup formation. I don't understand. Thanks
  14. diy

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Originally Posted by SantaMonica Alexxze: With those powerful bulbs, you'll have some great filtering. diy: You have the advantage of starting new. Rock (and maybe sand) are a given; when most people say "filters" they mean add-on units. Since your tank will be new, you can keep the filtration...
  15. diy

    12" too shallow?

    ok thanks. Subielover, I'm a subielover too. 04 wrx!
  16. diy

    12" too shallow?

    Hey guys, I planning on building a new tank in a few weeks and I wanted to get your guy's input. Is 12" to shallow for a reef tank? the dimessions are 36x24x12. Thanks
  17. diy

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    thanks rotarymagic! I will definently have liverock, sand, and flow. I didn't know about the carbon. thanks
  18. diy

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    hey guys, I'm new to the forum. I've been researching SWT's for about three weeks now and I plan on building a 50 gallon reef tank. I read through most of the thread and this seems to be a really interesting. I just need you guys to clarify one thing: Is it the ONLY filtration I need because if...
  19. diy

    DIY Stand (75 gal)

    how tall is your stand. I plan on building a 4 foot tall in wall stand for my 55 gal. Is too tall for that amount of weight. Thanks