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  1. jtirone

    What color of light??????Do you use?????

    I think I am under lighted. but my lfs said I was ok. I have two leather corals (a devil's hand and a toadstool) some yellow polyps and some other randoms that came with some rock. I have an 18" acnic blue (15 watt) a 20" (20 watt triton, and a 20" 20 watt 10K in a 54 gallon bow front corner...
  2. jtirone

    Feather dusters

    thanks. I will give that a try.
  3. jtirone

    Mean Damselfish.

    I found that the clarkii clown that I have keeps my meanest damsel in check. Before I added that, the damsel went after everyone and killed 3 yellow tails. I would say either remove the fish, or add a larger fish to keep its aggression in check.
  4. jtirone

    cpr bakpak skimmer question

    I just bought a CPR backpack 2R. I was quite surprised on the size of the pump. so far no problems with flow. I am just not sure on the amount of bubbles that are produced. I am having problems getting a consistant foam. It has removed some gunk, but it does not foam a lot.
  5. jtirone

    emerald crabs + coral banded shrimps??

    I have both in my tank. neither appear to have any issues with each other. I even added a couple sally lightfoots with no issue. as always though, every specimen is different. my experience has been good though.
  6. jtirone

    How long will the fish live???

    harris, did I read you right, you are in WNY? One of the LFS adds oxygen to the bags. I do not know if this helps, but it does guarentee that the bag has a lot of air in it. It is better then the grab the bag really quickly and close it. I had a couple specimens from this store that sat for...
  7. jtirone

    Disappearing fish

    I had the same problem with my blue dasmel. It took it about 2 weeks to go after and kill 2 of my yellow tails. 1 disappeared without a trace (I think it was eaten by a sea star) the next day the other yellow tail was dead. he goes after just about any fish he can. the clarkii keeps it is...
  8. jtirone

    Feather dusters

    Help!!! I have a 54 gallon with 50+lbs of LR, recently I added 2 feather dusters, and a red sponge. At first, the feather dusters were very happy, now they only come out every now and then. I have been using a Reef lab test kit, along with a smaller kit for ammonia and nitrite. everything...
  9. jtirone

    bristle shrimp and mantis worms

    what does a mantis shrimp look like. I found a creature that looks like a crab in a piece of LR that came with my yellow coral.
  10. jtirone

    A humbug of a damsel.

    My clarkii clown is doing the same thing around his anename. Should I try to fill it back in or leave it?
  11. jtirone

    Cleaner Shrimp Breeding

    I have a question. I have 2 cleaner shrimp in my tank. Both of these shrimp came from the same tank at the store. I bought them about 2 days apart. After introducing the first one to my tank, She layed eggs that hatched. I found 3-4 live shrimp in my filter. That was 2-3 weeks ago. Right...
  12. jtirone

    Green Brittle Star

    I had an interesting thing happen with my green brittle. When I first put him in my tank 3 weeks ago, he hid in the live rock and did not move. Very rarely he would come out. Last week, I "lost" 2 yellow tail damsels to a fight, and the green brittle appeared to eat one of the yellow tails (...
  13. jtirone

    Dead Sallylightfoot!!

    So far I have had no troubles with any of my tankmates. The Sallys and the emeralds have been getting along just fine. There have been a couple times where they have been eating together. Generally the Sallys stay at the bottom of the tank. The emeralds spend most of their time on the live rock.
  14. jtirone

    Brittle Attack!!!!

    After further review, I think my blue devil killed my yellow tails. The star was just "cleaning" the tank for me.
  15. jtirone

    Brittle Attack!!!!

    That could explain why I am missing a yellow tail damsel and my green brittle start looks bloated. I never thought he could move fast enough to catch a fish. It normally moves very slow. My red brittle move MUCH faster. Oh well, I was going to get rid of that yellow tail anyways.....
  16. jtirone

    Evil Emerald Crabs?

    I have had no trouble with mine. The only time one did anything but eat algea was when he nipped at my anemone. But that was because it was in the way.
  17. jtirone

    growth on live rock

    I found the emerald crabs to work well.
  18. jtirone

    green grass on my live rock

    I had the same problem. I started getting the same "grass" all over my live rock. I added 3 emerald crabs into my tank. After a couple days, I can't find ANY algea in my tank. They ate all of the bubble algea, the grass algea, and they are making a dent in the rust colored algea. The...