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  1. obtusewit

    Daisy Urgent

    JK, but if she's eating, soak her food in Iodine and multivitamins.. if you have cleaners they can take care of the ichy poo
  2. obtusewit

    Mega-Flow Tanks?

    That should work well, not sure if your 72BF came with the cap, but my 46BF did not, just the flat plastic 36" single. I bought the cap for it and the new T-5s installed perfectly. I am sure your PCs will do the same in the 72BF cap. I prefer MH but 520/72 =7.2 watts/gal get the color right...
  3. obtusewit

    Daisy Urgent

    Drop Ole stripe in a refugium with no bully boys along with a hungry cleaner shrimp or two. HLLE is reversible aome times with some serious effort, a load of iodine and very good vitamin preps. If the fish is in a weakened state (he is) ich will capitalize on that, cleaner shrimp will pick him...
  4. obtusewit

    lettuce nudibranch question

    I have some lettuce nudibranchs in my sump that seem to like some of the dried seaweed combos containing Bryopsis,when the hair algae runs short. I just drop part of a sheet in and they make pretty short work of it. It must be ok for them since they are fat and happy and almost a year old.
  5. obtusewit

    affects of using Glass tops

    If you must have a top, due to either critters the crawl or a wife that bawls, consider acrylic. There are several dozen different acrylic compositons but several permit 100% UV and light conductance. Obviously, there is some loss but it is less than 1%. Amazingly, or maybe not, Home Depot...
  6. obtusewit

    Mega-Flow Tanks?

    Since I keep fish and heavy feeding corals in my 46, I keep a large amount of live rock in my sump. I also skim 4 hours after feeding for 4 hours to reduce the protein based bio load. I keep macro algae growing in the sump for nitrate and phosphate control and normally have pretty close to...
  7. obtusewit

    live rock

    Your tank will settle down pretty quickly. This is a common occurance for shipped LR, the ammonia was in/on the rock when it got there. If your system was cycled before the addition, it will work on the ammonia and subsequent nitrite levels in fairly short order. I don't recommend doing water...
  8. obtusewit

    Suggestions for new Corals PLEASE

    Ricordia, zoos, Xenia are great starts, but don't leave out some of the easier LPS like Lobophyllia and Fungia. I like encrusting and purple ribbon gorgonians as well, they seem to do pretty well, and add a bit of upright gemoetry to the tank. Discosomas are cool dudes and new aquarists I know...
  9. obtusewit

    Mega-Flow Tanks?

    I have had both Wet Dry and Sump systems and have had consistently better luck with the sump. Wet-dry units are great if you go fish only, and if you are going to keep those large bad boy carnivores without the benefit of a large pile of live rock, I think a wet-dry is a necessity. Since wet...
  10. obtusewit

    From a 40 to a 90

    and don't forget the towels...LOL
  11. obtusewit

    Colors of Live Rock!

    450 is more than enough, if you get much higher that 550 and have a temp or Ph drop the Ca will precipitate and you will have a snow storm the likes of which you have never seen. My Ca consistently runs around 400-450 and no one is starving for building materials.
  12. obtusewit

    Colors of Live Rock!

    I can heartily recommend GARF grunge...loaded with coraline starts. just sprinkle it over your rock and it will grow with enough light and the rpoper water chemistry. ABout as low tech as it gets and it supports Leroy and Company, a worthy cause
  13. obtusewit

    From a 40 to a 90

    Obviously you will need more substrate, I recommend using your current sand on the bottom to preserve the anaerobics and using an activated sand on top. There are some very good activated sands available from Red Sea etc. You will have cycle time if you use new sterile sand, the activated...
  14. obtusewit

    From a 40 to a 90

    I recently did basically the same thing, going from a tall 30 to a 46 BF. This tank was mainly SPS and LPS occupying a small otherwise useless wall. Fortunately, I had the option of adding capacity to the system before making the 'big move'. If you have room you can temporarily add a sump to...
  15. obtusewit

    Diy Chiller???

    I doubt you would get much cooling on a 130 gallons...lots more water, more surface area and more light (heat). I don't know what your chiller draws but this little fridge only draws 178 watts and at night it probably only runs 10% of the time. Efficiency is a moot point since thermal...
  16. obtusewit

    hermit crabs ID???

    The most common hermit on Florida beaches is Pagurus pollicaris, the flat clawed hermit crab, Which is probably what you have. If the legs are long and pinkinsh, you have Pagurus longicarpus, the long leg hermit crab. Usually they are brownish with yellowish or lightbrown striping on their...
  17. obtusewit

    Diy Chiller???

    I needed (wanted) a 3 degree temp reduction in my tank and used a small cheapie refrigerator to accomplish the mission. I bought a small one from Home Depot for 50 bucks and 250 ft of 1/2" hard poly tubing with appropriate fittings. I use a Maxi-Jet 400 (106 gph) power head to push water...