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  1. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Quote: Originally Posted by tthemadd1 I believe you are talking about 10,000 and blue actinics. I do the following. Blues 12 hours White 8 hours Set your timers to maximize the time you are home. We run our blues from 12:00 pm to 12:00 am. And the whites from 2:00pm - 10:00pm. You can run...
  2. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Quote:Originally Posted by deejeff442 what do you mean white lights and blue lights? are the blue moon lights?the white compacts?imo just put lights on as little as possible.the fish wont mind and as for the fish eating algae they will nip at the lr all the time. the trick is to get a balance...
  3. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Quote:Originally Posted by jay0705 The clowns will adjust. Mine where like that w my fox face. Now they swim togather. I think you're right. Last night i turned the lights completely off when we went to bed, and as soon as i turned them off the clowns started moving all over the tank. Which...
  4. kajunram12

    Please help me identify these and let me know if they are bad.

    CAnt help you, but they look cool!
  5. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    JUst wanted to update everyone on my NUVO 16.. everything is going smooth after 3 weeks.. I never had a spike during the 3 weeks before i added fish..Still have yet to get a spike in anything.. and all my levels are perfect (dumb luck??). This week i did some rock scaping, to make some caves for...
  6. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Quote: Originally Posted by jay0705 also when you do your water changes mix your water to a lower salinity. like a 1.020-1.021 ish that will help bring it down too. you can add straight fresh but becareful not to lower it too much. I dont mix my water, i get it from a water treatment plant here...
  7. kajunram12

    Feather DUsters secreting slime in tank

    i seen it too, when i added mine today
  8. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    deejeff442: some of the water seems to have evaporated from the tank.. based on the waterline on the side of the tank. Could that be the reason for the jump in salinity? jay0705: Thanks, no i haven't looked into fish yet. I been trying to make sure this cycle process is going smooth. Ill def...
  9. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    DAY 8 of Cycle....Nitrites: 0, Salinity: 1.029, PH: 8.2, Nitrates: 0, Alkalenity: 2.25, Ammonia: 0 Does that sound about right?
  10. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    deejeff442: Thanks for the information! Hopefully it all survives the cycle Mr. Limpid: Thanks for the information the lights. As far as the tub, the one in my tank is tiny clear and the feathers/tentacles are not as large as the ones in the picture. Maybe its not fully matured. I hope its...
  11. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Sorry if im post happy, im just excited like any new hobbyist.. Her are a few images of things growing in my tank so far.. if you would be so kindly to explain WTH they are, id be thankful! lol Image 1: That white spongy stuff? any clue? The purple stuff seems to be spreading too! Image 2: The...
  12. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Here is a side view so you can judge the lay out of the LR better. deejeff442: Those Blennies look pretty cool.. ill def have to grab one. If this ill look into grabbing a few smaller rocks to create a few more hiding spots if you think its necessary for 3-4 fish. Mr. Limpid: I guess i will...
  13. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Quote:Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid Since you had sand in your tank B4 the rock, did you push the rock down threw the sand to rest on bottom of tank? If not please do so now B4 a creature burrows under rock and gets crushed. Otherwise looks , I like the large rocks makes it look like a chunk...
  14. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Quote:Originally Posted by beaslbob Looks to me like you're doing fine and people like me (us?) are jealous you are so near saltwater and corals. Personally I prefer macro algaes to help balance out and stabilize the operation but that's just my. .02 Pssst: algae in the rocks can serve much...
  15. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Quote:Originally Posted by sweatervest13   The IM Nuvo line is a nice little plug-in-play system similar to a biocube (I have the Nuvo 8).  No under gravel filters.    I agree with deejeff, you got some real nice rock there.  It does look a little big in the tank, but you should be fine.  Worst...
  16. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Quote:Originally Posted by deejeff442 welcome to the sport. i am not fimiliar with that set that an under gravel filter set up? i would leave the lights off most of the time.they will only add to algae during the cycle .you might want to think about adding another powerhead .maybe just a...
  17. kajunram12

    Hello Everyone, New to Salt Water Tanks! Starting with Innovative Marine Nuvo 16

    Hello, My Name is Rueben, Me and my wife live on beautiful Oahu and are starting a salt water tank! I wanted simple so the Nuvo 16 seems small enough and came with almost everything i need! We picked up the water at this local water treatment facility who purifies salt water, Everything i read...