Search results

  1. opazen

    bang guy or other bengaii experts!

    Guy, weve spoken before you and i. i am the one who knows roger bull in tucson arizona. my offer to buy your plane ticket here still stands if youll bring me a nice little school of banggais haha. thanks for the reply. i was wondering if i should get rid of both and start fresh or get rid of one...
  2. opazen

    bang guy or other bangaii experts help!

    thanks for the reply... the agression that ive been seeing is one fish chasing the other, and it has only been in the tank two hours. so i believe i will have to separate them ... now here is another question. Now that one or the other will be in the tank will introducing another cause a...
  3. opazen

    bang guy or other bangaii experts help!

    i did a silly thing and i bought two bengaii on a whim... this is not common practice for me but the two seemed to be freindly towards eachother so i bought them. later i found out that they were only recently put in the tank at the fish store and i found the two, or rather the larger of the two...
  4. opazen

    bang guy or other bengaii experts!

    i did a silly thing and i bought two bengaii on a whim... this is not common practice for me but the two seemed to be freindly towards eachother so i bought them. later i found out that they were only recently put in the tank at the fish store and i found the two, or rather the larger of the two...
  5. opazen

    broken overflow

    jeff its me will you contact me... opazen@earthlink .net adam
  6. opazen

    Any reefers in AZ???

    jeff its adam... contact me!
  7. opazen

    Any reefers in AZ???

    hey its me... Adam. man i lost track of you... email me back at and well get back together. rsvp adam
  8. opazen

    Free Coralline Chips

    bang guy i want some bengaiis... do you have the means to ship? Ill pay shipping and top dollar... live in tucson tho... lemme know Adam
  9. opazen

    Aiptasia, Yeah Right

    i had a head of trumpet or candycane coral about as big as my actual head that was half destroyed by one aptasia annenome. i tried killing it in every way possible and so it moved around in the safety of the living coral stinging everything as it wentl. I hate that stuff!
  10. opazen

    incredably strange

    i just added a beautiful blue annenome to my tank today.... within the minute one of many peppermint shrimp in my tank rush out and started harassing the poor annenome. I actually saw him clip a peice of tenticle off and shove it in his mouth.... then he disappeared. is he gonna continue to do...
  11. opazen

    looking for complete reef setup in phoenix!

    hi, ive got a 48 gallon bowfront with skimmer and heater and some mediocre lighting.. i live in tucson. let me know... if by chance you have found something let me know about how you feel about trading... ive done some with lurch already and so far so good Adam
  12. opazen

    OT: Where are all of you guys from?

    Tucson Az here. I know one guy who lives around here but im suprised theres not more... Maybe there scared of all the terrible fish stores?
  13. opazen

    two seperate questions

    i may have been unclear.... i also have aschool of assorted tangs, clowns blennies... so im guessin a no on the sea horse
  14. opazen

    two seperate questions

    1. My cbs is getting big and cranky, i want him out. how do i go about doing that? 2. ( a little more involved ) My mother has her heart set on a little black seahorse at the lfs. he looks healthy and is a good buy. now, i have a 250 gallon reef. i also have two very happy inhabitants, a banded...
  15. opazen

    Most Beneficial Fish

    sixline wrasses are extremely helpful... lawnmower blennies keep down algea... watchman goby cleans the sand... cleaner gobys clean your fish... thats all i can think of.. ive got one or more of each and they make for a ligter maintenence duty on my part. adam
  16. opazen

    For Reef: Watts v.s. Lumen (Intense)

    roger bull lives two houses down and i am good freinds with his daughter jenny... i take care of rogers animals when he is gone... goes to show you what a small world it can be... 200 is mighty expensive for some bengaiis ;) but then again depending on how many.... that is very cool that we know...
  17. opazen

    For Reef: Watts v.s. Lumen (Intense)

    banguy... i live in tucson az... which fish store did you go to.... it didnt happen to be saltwater solutions? you dont still live here do you? i have been interested in getting a bunch of bengaiis but i live pretty far from western new york... sorry to go off topic guys... this is very...
  18. opazen

    48 gal bowfront in tucson az

    possibly willing to take 200... ill have to check with my parents. let her know about it and get back to me.
  19. opazen

    My 2 gallon just finished cycling

    ive got a one gallon with a 13 watt fifty fifty... can you help me out on how to get it back up and running? Adam
  20. opazen

    48 gal bowfront in tucson az

    tank and stand less than 2 years old. perfect condition. lights and heater if you want them. 160 wts. regular flourescent. hood and origional hood light too. 250 obo. cannot pay shipping.