Search results

  1. carp31

    Looking for suggestions..

    Either one as long as they get along. i would like a mixture of tangs and a angel fish. I had a chevron, juvenile emperor, Henichus Butterfly, coral Beauty for a good two years. Then my cousin sold me his Red Sea Sohal Tang. Beautiful fish but a killer! LOL! He stressed the whole tank out. I...
  2. carp31

    Looking for suggestions..

    I have a 125 gallon FOWLR. The tank has been up for 5 years. I lost 5 very expensive fish 5 months a go to Ich. I made the mistake of putting a aggressive fish in with a well established tank. To make a long story short the aggressive fish stressed out the whole tank and I couldn't save the fish...
  3. carp31

    When should you change Light...

    And if you dont does it cause red slime algae? I am going to change them out this Friday. thanks.
  4. carp31

    When should you change Light...

    bulbs for reef tank? The local fish store told me once a year. My water levels are fine, but I am now getting some gooy red algae in my tank. Could bad bulbs cause this? My bulbs are over a year old. ANy help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  5. carp31

    Anenome feeding?

    What is the best things to feed a anenome?
  6. carp31

    Looking for tank mates for a Passer Angel

    What can I put with a Passer Angel in my 125 Gallon. I want fish that are bigger and wont hide behind the rockes. My new passer is big and beautifull. He swims and does not hide. I had to take my purple tang back to the LFS. I have had him for 2 years. He would not leave the Passer Angel alone...
  7. carp31

    My Blonde Naso Tang has...

    Beth, I put him in a 10 gallon QT. Has a heater, bubbler and small ph. I am treating him with melafix. Says to treat him with it once a day for 7 days. How long can he be in this 10 gallon QT? Is it unsafe with out any bacteria breakdown like a emperor or something? Or since it is a short time...
  8. carp31

    My Blonde Naso Tang has...

    I have had this fish since fathers Day 3 weeks a go. I have a purple tang pretty layed back, a red sea sailfin Tang does get aggressive once in while, Harlequin, and some other small fish yellow tail damsel, some other kind of small damsel all in a 125 gallon tank.
  9. carp31

    My Blonde Naso Tang has...

    like a 1/2 inch by inch mark on his side. Like red looking now. Almost bloody looking. It first started out as white like puss. I thought maybe he scratched his side against a rock or something. Some of my friends think it might be a fungus or other fish attacking him? Any ideas or what medicine...
  10. carp31

    Blonde Naso Tang...

    I added a Blonde Naso tang to my 125 gallon tank last week. He doesnt seem to be eating. I seen him eat a little of seaweed selects. I tried giving him formula 2, mysis shrimp, blood worms, brine shrimp, dried krill, and flake food. He wont touch it. My other fish just eat away right in front of...
  11. carp31

    One of my Tangs...

    I know. But I have had now 3 LFS tell me it is good to put a probe in there just in case. So screw it. Why risk it. But I have a feeling it is his diet. He will be fed better. Will this line ever go away? From what I heard, No???
  12. carp31

    One of my Tangs...

    Marineman, I dont think I was feeding him to good. I talk to another LFS and they said lack of nutrition. So I am giving him those seaweed sheets, formula 1 and 2, mysis shrimp, blood worms, and brine shrimp. I mix it up. He eats everything. I ordered a probe just in case. The same LFS said that...
  13. carp31

    One of my Tangs...

    Here is a picture of the Red sea Sailfin Tang with the white line on him.
  14. carp31

    One of my Tangs...

    has had a white dry looking line that runs from his eye to his tail on both sides. He has had this for a long time. What is it? I asked a LFS about it and he said my power heads can cause this from the electric current going through them??? Said something about buying a probe to put in the...
  15. carp31

    ghost shrimp freshwater!!!

    I feed them to my Harlequin. He loves them!
  16. carp31

    Preventing Ich

    Wid, Mine is a 9 watt too. How often do you change the bulb? I change it every 6 months. Never had a ich problem since.
  17. carp31

    Preventing Ich

    I swear by the UV sterilizer!! I use to have problems with my tangs getting ich a couple of years a go. Then I put a UV sterilizer on my FOWLR tank and never had ich again! In my opinion, don't run it on a reef tank unless you put it on for only a few hours or maybe at night on a timer.
  18. carp31

    Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...

    Harliquin eating his frozen formula square. Its all he will eat so far.
  19. carp31

    Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...

    Good close up of my harliquin. Seems to really like his new home. Has a nice cave in the live rock for himself.
  20. carp31

    Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...

    Here is a picture of my Harlequin and my big purple tang!