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  1. carp31

    Glass Top or No ?

    I agree. I use to keep the top off my 72 bow tank until I found my 3 year old using his plastic fishing pole one day. He had the line and plastic hook in the fish tank!!!LOL!!
  2. carp31

    Question on Harliquin Tusk...

    I have a 125 gallon FOWLR tank. I want to add a Harliquin Tusk. My fear is that it will eat my Green Mandorin. Does anybody on this forum have experience with a Harliquin Tusk living in a tank with a Mandorin?
  3. carp31

    Glass Top or No ?

    I keep the top on. If I take my top off the water evaporates and I have to top it off every week.
  4. carp31

    Cycling my new tank...

    I always cycle with damsels. What I am asking is. Do you think the tank will cycle with established live sand and live rock from tanks that have been set up for 3 years or more? I heard sometimes it skips the cycle if you have established sand and live rock???
  5. carp31

    UV Sterilizer in a reef tank?

    I had a guy at the LFS tell me it take nutrients out of the water for a reef tank? Is that true?
  6. carp31

    Cycling my new tank...

    I just bought a 125. The guy had live sand in the tank and kept it wet with his water in a container. I used his sand and have put my live rock ifrom my 72 bow tank. I have damsels in there now. Do you think my tank will cycle or not? Or is it ok to add good fish soon? It has been up and running...
  7. carp31

    UV Sterilizer in a reef tank?

    Yes. A red sea sailfin and a beatiful big purple tang.I am in the process of switching over to my 125 gallon tank from my 72 bow tank. I just put all the live rock in yesterday. I have damsels in there now. I cant make up my mind if I should put the uv sterilizer on there or not??
  8. carp31

    UV Sterilizer in a reef tank?

    How do you guys feel about having a UV sterilizer on a reef tank? I have heard it is not bad to have one on there and I heard it is bad to have one on there? I like my sterilize,because I have never got ich again after I hooked it up to my water flo for my tank. That was 2 years a go. I have the...
  9. carp31

    lighting for live rock..

    Bump. Anyone?
  10. carp31

    lighting for live rock..

    I am switching over to a 125 gallon tank from my 72 bow tank. I am just going to use my live rock for biological filteration in my 125. Do I need to have a strong light on them? I was looking at just puttiing a regular 96 watt compact or do I even need that? Can I just use the regular lights...
  11. carp31

    Problems with hair algae...

    has anybody had any good results from phosphate reactors? Where can I purchase one of these?
  12. carp31

    Problems with hair algae...

    Would it work putting the macro in my canister? I just use it for a power head really. I put phosphate remover pads in there once in a while. Does not work.
  13. carp31

    Problems with hair algae...

    So where do I get macro algaes at? something I can order?
  14. carp31

    Problems with hair algae...

    What exactly is p04? I just buy bottled water at the grocery store. Should I get a specific brand that is better or cleaner than another?
  15. carp31

    Problems with hair algae...

    Refugium is that a hang off the back one or underneath. What do you put in them again that attracts algae to them instead of the tank? I will cut back on feeding. THe tangs can graze off the rock too.
  16. carp31

    Problems with hair algae...

    I am using bottle water. I feed once a day towards night time. I started my tank with tap water 3 years a go. Then switched over to bottled water about a year a go.
  17. carp31

    Moving to a bigger tank..

    I have a 72 bow tank. I am purchasing a 125. How should I go about switching everything over to the 125. I have a purple tang. That I love to death. Do Not want to lose him!! Salfin Red sea tang, clown, green mandrin goby, fire file fish. 70 lbs in live rock. Will using the water from the 72 and...
  18. carp31

    Problems with hair algae...

    hope I dont sound dumb on this. But what is that?
  19. carp31

    Problems with hair algae...

    I have hair algae all over my live rock. I have had this problem for almost 8 months now. I sold all my corals to my friend to try chemicals to get rid of it. But it still comes back. I scrubbed all the rocks while they were in the tank and then did a 10 % water change. Still comes back two...