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  1. carp31

    Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...

    Thanks, He is doing really good. He still will not eat the krill. So I am just feeding him this formula squares. He just loves it. So do my tangs.
  2. carp31

    Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...

    How do you get the picture to open up in the text? It just post the link when I tried it?
  3. carp31

    Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...

    OOps that didnt work.
  4. carp31

    Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...

    Here is one picture of him.
  5. carp31

    Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...

    He really loves these formula frozen squares for wrasses and triggers. I will try the Krill again. Thanks.
  6. carp31

    Feeding a Harlequin Tusk...

    I just bought a Harlequin Tusk Wednesday 5/19. He is doing awesome. I fed him some formula squares that are for Triggers and wrasses. He loves it. THe LFS gave me some fresh water live Goby (I think that is what they said the name was) Shrimp to feed him. He did eat a couple of them. I tried...
  7. carp31

    Question on Harliquin Tusk...

    Well, I went to a different LFS and picked up the Harlequin Tusk while it was still in the bag. I put him in my tank. He seems to be doing alright. He is just hanging behind the rock all day and night? I put some Krill and special blend square stuff for triggers and wrasses. he has not eaten...
  8. carp31

    Question on Harliquin Tusk...

    Well, I went to a different LFS and picked up the Harlequin Tusk while it was still in the bag. I put him in my tank. He seems to be doing alright. He is just hanging behind the rock all day and night? I put some Krill and special blend square stuff for triggers and wrasses. he has not eaten...
  9. carp31

    Why is Carbon...

    Thanks everyone. This message board is awesome!! A lot of helpfull people on here. Thank you again.
  10. carp31

    Why is Carbon...

    Thanks for your help. I am going to bed.
  11. carp31

    Why is Carbon...

    The emporer yeah comes with the blue filters with the carbon in them already. Then there is a grey cartridge (Empty) behind that. I was told to put Diamond rock in there. So I did. I think it helps to just keep the water clearer.
  12. carp31

    Why is Carbon...

    So what is the Diamond rock for that I put in the empty cartridge behind the carbon filter in the Emporer 400?
  13. carp31

    Why is Carbon...

    I always see people posting they only use it for 5 days then pull it out? So I took it there is a reason for this?
  14. carp31

    Why is Carbon...

    bad for a reef tank? Does it take nutrients out of the water that the corals need? Eventually in the future I would like to switch over my 125 gallon FOWLR to a reef tank. I run it now with two Emperor 400's hanging on the back. I use the carbon filters that come with it. Also the Diamond Rock...
  15. carp31

    Can a Emperor Angel....

    survive with in my FOWLR 125 gallon that has a really laid back big 5 to 6 inch purple tang and a 3 inch Red sea Sailfin Tang. These tangs are pretty layed back and get a long great with each other. Do you think adding a emperor, that havic would break lose. I am looking at getting a adult...
  16. carp31

    Question on Harliquin Tusk...

    No I didnt get him yet. But thanks for letting me know. I am looking at getting a different one from a different LFS.
  17. carp31

    Question on Harliquin Tusk...

    I really want one. So I think I am going to take the chance. Thanks!!
  18. carp31

    Question on Harliquin Tusk...

    So what do you think. Pass on this one. But who knows what they feed them before the fish store gets them?
  19. carp31

    Question on Harliquin Tusk...

    I asked the LFS what they were feeding him. They said Dried Krull, brine shrimp, and Gold fish once in awhile. Well, I didnt like the last answer! Gold fish are hard on saltwater fish insides right? Plus I thought this would make him want to attack little fish in my tank?