Search results

  1. mjhulik

    New Fish only Tank

    I was wondering what I need for a fish only tank to set up, say 55 gallons? Any help would be great!
  2. mjhulik

    Nano as a QT

    I like its a 12 gallon
  3. mjhulik

    Percula Clowns

    Do percula clowns reproduct in captivity and if so what does the eggs look like can anyone explain. Not sure what this stuff in in my tank Thanks for any help
  4. mjhulik

    Nano as a QT

    Would anyone recommend a Nano as a QT? Why or Why Not? Is it too small? Thanks for the input
  5. mjhulik

    Nano as a QT

    Would anyone recommend a Nano as a QT? Why or Why Not? Thanks for the input
  6. mjhulik

    Fish only Forum

    Thanks for the info, I'm thinking of starting a fish only tank, just was wondering what the difference would be between a reef? Thanks
  7. mjhulik

    Fish only Forum

    Is there a message board that talks about fish only tanks. Thanks
  8. mjhulik

    Algea Growth

    Thats great thanks for the info, I will keep it just in the back of the tank. Thanks again
  9. mjhulik

    Algea Growth

    I have great water, only 12 gallon tank though, all live rock and live sand, I have two Percila clowns and a brittle star, and a normal starfish brownish in color, one turbo snail, emarld crab and about 5 sand snails and thats it. I just didn't know if the algea would harm the rest of the tank...
  10. mjhulik

    Algea Growth

    I it ok to have greenish algea on the tank and its kind of hard to scrap off the sides, just wondering if thats ok, or should I clean off all sides of the tank? Thanks
  11. mjhulik

    Starfish is getting shorter legs

    I've have had him for probably 3 months, water and everthing is fine, fish are doing great, I think if anything I may over feed a bit, but its not a big deal. He moves around and all, What should I feed it and how? Thanks
  12. mjhulik

    How many gallons

    Thanks for the info
  13. mjhulik

    Starfish is getting shorter legs

    I'm not sure what is happening to my starfish, but it seems to be getting shorter? What is happening? Can anyone let me know? Thanks
  14. mjhulik

    How many gallons

    How many gallon tank is need for a Blonde Naso Tang to live comfortably?