Search results

  1. mjhulik

    Anyone seen a Coral Treasure Collection

    True, Also they say the filteration and lighting is designed for the tank.
  2. mjhulik

    Anyone seen a Coral Treasure Collection

    Geez maybe I should buy one from your local fish store. I was looking on line and the best I could find was 349.00
  3. mjhulik

    Anyone seen a Coral Treasure Collection

    I don't have a pic, but I have the link
  4. mjhulik

    Anyone seen a Coral Treasure Collection

    I was wondering if anyone has seen the new coral Treasure collection they are cylinder tank that is about five gallons and are ready to go just add saltwater and fish. If you have seen what do you think? Thanks Michael
  5. mjhulik

    Need help to identify???

    Anyone have any Ideas? Any help would be great! Thanks
  6. mjhulik

    Need help to identify???

    I've had this for over three years, I have another black clown and she looks great. He still swims and does normal activity, nothing really different. I just can't figure this out. Not sure whats going on.
  7. mjhulik

    Need help to identify???

    I notice this on my clownfish and don't know what it is. It looks like a blood bluster on the bottom of its mouth. Any thoughts to what it may be and how to treat it. Also a little white above its eyes on the left eye. Or can they actually scrap themselves on live Rock? Thanks to all mjhulik
  8. mjhulik

    Ph is 7.7-8.0

    Where do you get a ph prode at, I just have a card that reads out what the color looks like, it kind of sucks.
  9. mjhulik

    Ph is 7.7-8.0

    thanks again all
  10. mjhulik

    Ph is 7.7-8.0

    How do you know if it is say...8.3 my card I use doesn't say anything like that, do you have a digital one? Is this something that can wait till tomorrow I ran out of Saltwater? Thanks
  11. mjhulik

    Ph is 7.7-8.0

    what would you recommend me to do add more RO water or what?
  12. mjhulik

    Ph is 7.7-8.0

    I just checked my ph and was wondering if 7.7-8.0 was ok ? This is my 12 gallon tank. Thanks to all for your help. mjhulik
  13. mjhulik

    CopperBand Butterfly

    Thanks for the reply, I'm just taking it under consideration, I think thats a beautiful fish. But I don't want any live rock or anything like that in my next tank so I wasn't sure what to do for its habitat. thanks again, and if anyone as any input that would still be great.
  14. mjhulik

    CopperBand Butterfly

    Do you have to have a coral or reef tank set up to have a copperband butterfly? Would it do will in a Fish Only tank and what fish would you not want with the fish. thanks to all MJHULIK
  15. mjhulik

    Anyone have a Tank in Michigan For Sales?

    Do you have pictures of the 90 gallon? If so please send them to and put in Fish Tank For Sale in the subject bar. Thanks
  16. mjhulik

    Anyone have a Tank in Michigan For Sales?

    any pictures?
  17. mjhulik

    Anyone have a Tank in Michigan For Sales?

    I'm looking for a fish tank in Michigan Area and would like a take form 75-200 gallons. I would like a killer deal. If anyone knows of one please let me know or email me at Thanks mjhulik
  18. mjhulik

    Anyone Know anything About a Brittle Star

    Please help us our Brittle Star loses more of it's already short legs everyday. Today the legs are verily a 1/2" long and the disc of the star is getting bigger and bigger and at times look as if a heart would look when beating. Very strange looking. Besides losing all of it's legs this is...
  19. mjhulik

    Anyone Know anything About a Brittle Star

    Still NO replies, does anyone have any comments? mjhulik
  20. mjhulik

    Anyone Know anything About a Brittle Star

    I have had a brittle starfish for about 4 years now and I've noticed that his tenticles have been falling off, I've never seen him do this before is this normal or is he dieing? Any help would be helpful. Thank to all mjhulik