Search results

  1. mattinwa

    Best species to put with pink skunk clown ???

    looking to add a fish or 2 to my 75 gal fowlr tank. currently i have 2 pink skunk clownfish, 1 (3 inch) , 1 (1.5 in), 1 yellow head jawfish, and 1 blue-spotted puffer (2.5 in). any ideas?
  2. mattinwa

    Flame angel advice

    thanks for the advice
  3. mattinwa

    Flame angel advice

    what fishes would be safe to add?
  4. mattinwa

    Flame angel advice

    I currently have a 75 g fowlr with the following: (1) yellow watchman goby- 2in, (1) long nose hawkfish- 3in, (1) blue spotted puffer-2.5in, (2) pink skunk clowns 3in, 1.5 in. My tanks has been running for a year now and all these species get along well. My previous 2 attempts at adding another...
  5. mattinwa

    chaos in tank

    the yellow watchman stays under a rock and never bothers anyone. The hawkish, puffer and mature clown are all about 2.5 inches and seem to be the aggressors. I didn't see any compatibility issues with the dottyback on any chart and the LFS suggested the dragon wrasse. The damsels are only 1...
  6. mattinwa

    chaos in tank

    My 75 gal fowlr tank has been running for 6 months or so. I stocked it with a longnose hawkfish, blue spotted puffer and pink skunk clown. Months later I added a yellow watchman goby, small pink clown. Last month I added 3 beau gregory damsels and a sunrise dottyback. That day, the dottyback was...
  7. mattinwa

    Lighting advice

    Thanks for the advice. I definitely want different spectrums of light and want the tank and fish to look sharp. I want enough watts to keep rock alive.I take it I am able to buy a 48" fixture for cfl and t5? Which bulbs cost more?
  8. mattinwa

    Lighting advice

    I just recently bought a standard 75 gal tank, stand and canopy. It was setup for freshwater with a light fixture with 1: 40w fluorescent bulb. I want to do a saltwater, fowlr setup. I was thinking of buying a compact fluorescent fixture that will fit the entire length of the tank and hold 2-3...
  9. mattinwa

    Moving cross country -advice?

    I know my fishes will not survive so I'm prepared to sell them along with the live rock, I have a fish only tank. Does it matter what I sell first? Will the fish survive awhile without rock and vise versa?
  10. mattinwa

    Selling Sea Clone 100 Skimmer-3 months old!

    actually im not a beginner and this was a replacement for my original prizm skimmer that eventually just died. anyways thanks for helping me sell it!
  11. mattinwa

    Whats a QT and what does it do

    you dont need a qt tank. my lfs said they dont use one and advised me when i started that if i had a sick fish its just easier and more cost effective to remove it and fresh dip it (place in freshwater-no chlorine for 15 min) to heal it. ive gotten along fine for 5 years without one but its your...
  12. mattinwa

    I'm Doing My QT All Wrong

    in my experience, over 5 years now i have never used a quarantine tank nor needed to. i buy from a lfs and they only sell healthy fish that they have had for a couple weeks. i did have a clownfish with ich once and i simply removed him and dipped him into freshwater for 15 minutes and he was...
  13. mattinwa

    Good Beginner Books?

    The New Marine Aquarium ....look for it on Ama*on
  14. mattinwa

    desperate; NEED HELP

    You should research this hobby before just jumping in, it could save you lots of time and money. Even with research you will learn more in the first couple years of practice. Hope your luck turns around.
  15. mattinwa

    Selling Sea Clone 100 Skimmer-3 months old!

    I tried this skimmer but could not adjust it to skim as much as I wanted so Im giving up. It is like new though without original box. I will ship to you by FEDEX anywhere in the USA. I would like to recoup some of my money it cost me so I am asking $40 plus $15 shipping, handling, Paypal fees...
  16. mattinwa

    mixing containers

    All you really need is a rubbermaid type can on wheels. You dont need a powerhead.
  17. mattinwa

    Which Community Fish To Add

    Currently I have a 60 Gal Hex with 2 Percula Clowns, 3 Green Chromis and 1 Lawnmower Blenny. Id like to put 2 more fish in to replace 2 recent losses (Velentini Puffer and Bicolor Angel), any advice on species that will get along?
  18. mattinwa

    Kirby Puckett died

    this forum is called "the aquarium" not "other topics" or whatever you thought it was.... go to and blab about sports....sorry i have a life and dont feel the need to make thousands of not a computer the way i am sorry to hear you didnt get best actor for...
  19. mattinwa

    Kirby Puckett died

    this is for aquarium related posts NOT for crying over fat steroid using has beens!
  20. mattinwa

    is this ICH ??

    thanks ill look under diseases.....