Search results

  1. briterco

    Shrinking Feather Duster?

    I have 3 feather dusters, located in close proximity in the tank. Two have been in the tank for about 5 months, and the other for about 8. They all seem to have their crowns open a lot. Over the last few weeks I've noticed that the one that I've had the longest, the feather crown is getting...
  2. briterco

    Tank Smell

    I seem to have an odor coming from the tank. I upgraded to 400w PC lighting have removed the glass lids from the tank a few months ago. Since then, I get a lot of evaporation because of this (about 1.5 gal/day) and I think that it is just this evap that is causing the odor. (You can actually...
  3. briterco

    Baby Anemone??

    Yea I think that might be it? Sounds like I need to get it out? What do you recommend? Peppermint shrimp? Joes Juice?
  4. briterco

    Baby Anemone??

    I don't think it looks like the pics of the Aiptasia that I found. Its tentacles look more blunt/founded and I think they are pale green tipped. I can't see the base well because the polyps are blocking my view. I also tried touching it and it didn't seem to retract like an Aiptasia is described...
  5. briterco

    Baby Anemone??

    My tank is about 6 months old, doing very well. Several months back I added a small cluster of polyps attached to a rock. Didn't have great lighting. The polyps have been doing fine. Well a few weeks ago I was taking a close look at them and noticed something different -- best described an a...
  6. briterco

    Preventing Ich

    hmmm...good question. my understanding is that ich can't survive in hyposaline circumstances, while the fish are ok. in my case, i used a 10g QT, but my new hippo was pretty small, like 1.5". he was pretty shy in the QT, but I only had a couple of places for him to hide. he's much bolder in the...
  7. briterco

    Preventing Ich

    Prevention is certainly the best cure. I got a blue hippo about 2 months ago, and religously followed the QT and hyposalinity process. I suspected the hippo came home with some ich, as he was scratching a bit the first day, but as I got the salinity down, that stopped pretty quickly, and hasn't...
  8. briterco

    Upside Down Royal Grama

    I had one that did that also. The guy at the LFS said it would. Would also swim on its side before the tank lights came on - I always thought the ambient light coming in from the side made it think the side was the top, so it swam sideways thinking it was upright.:thinking:
  9. briterco

    My new blue hippo story

    Hi all, I don't post here a whole lot, but I do lurk frequently, and have learned an incredible amount from doing so. Thought I'd share my happy new blue hippo story... Stats: 125g with 1 yellow tang, 1 flame angel, 1 spotted hawk, 1 maroon clown, and 6 b/g chromis. This board has taught me to...
  10. briterco

    I know why my tang acts crazy...

    For months my YT has had a strange behavior of acting calm, then darting around the tank, and even smacking his tail on the tank wall. I posted about this awhile back, and was assured that tangs are strong swimmers, and absent of any other physical conditions, this was more or less normal...
  11. briterco

    MH pendant questions

    I'm considering going with hanging MH pendants, and have a few questions. First, how much clearance do I need between the tank top and bottom of pendants? Second, I have glass lids on the tank now. Do they stay or go? Third, how much clearance is needed above the top of the pendants? My tanks...
  12. briterco

    wet/dry cleaning question

    I have a wet/dry filter with bioballs. I've read recommendations that the balls may need to be periodically cleaned but only in small portions (25%). My question is regarding the sponge in my filter that separates the bottom "drip" section under the balls from the sump area. Does that sponge...
  13. briterco

    MH lighting dealer recommendations

    Well, I eventually want to have a full-blown reef display w/ corals and plants. Seems that most folks talk that MH is the way to go. I just don't want to shortcut now then regret later. I also really like the shimmer effect that the MH gives. From the shopping that I've done for a MH system, it...
  14. briterco

    MH lighting dealer recommendations

    Any particular recommendations for online MH lighting dealers? Obviously looking for reputable and good prices. I have a 125g that's been up for 6 months now - I started with a package deal from the LFS, and as I've gotten so much more savvy :) at the whole thing, I realize how cheesy the...
  15. briterco

    New addition recommendation?

    YEa after looking at a lot of fish info, I think the blue hippo sounds like a great choice (and gorgeous fish). I thought I read somewhere though that an existing yellow is less aggressive toward smaller new additions rather than larger. I added my flame angel about a month ago - maybe an inch...
  16. briterco

    New addition recommendation?

    I'm getting my tank established (about 3.5 months old now), and think I'll need one more fish to complete the population. I'm probably still a couple of months away from making an addition, but would like to get some ideas on what would be compatible. I currently have a 125g with about 100# LR...
  17. briterco

    Open sore on chromis

    Hello, I'm pretty new to this - set up a 125 g tank about 6 weeks ago, trying to go by the book. Having pretty good success so far. I have a yellow tang, royal gamma, maroon clown, red spotted hawk, 8 green chromis, skunk shrimp, and assorted clean-up crew. Water levels all good. A few days ago...