Search results

  1. reavely

    "egg-sac" on single fridmani???

    1)fridmani has an "egg-like sac" dragging from anus area. Clowns are giving chase, apparently they think they're eggs too and want a nibble. This makes it very difficult to get a good look, impossible to get a picture since "he's" hiding in rock-holes. 2) the "growth" is new. I saw "freddy"...
  2. reavely

    Sebae anemone behavior

    I've had a sebae anemone in the DT for about a Month. When I fisrt got it, it moved once, planted itself ina semi-shaded spot and stayed there. It shrank itself down once and a while, maybe once every 10 days. All the while my two ocellaris clowns have been in the QT. I have been feeding the...
  3. reavely

    cultivating? Xenia

    I split the Xenia in two and each one of them have expanded considerably in the last three days. I've put a bunch of small chunks of base rock around the "mother" to form an island that I can begin cloning new colonies off for trade - I'll keep you in mind KIP when I get some new ones cultivated.
  4. reavely


    Why would you want an autofeeder, that is the second best part about having a tank. The first part is just watching it grow and stuff. one word - "vacation"
  5. reavely

    6line wrasse or Mandarin?

    it wouldn't suprise me to find that the info from that article on collection is true - bigger, brighter, etc sells easier - but then again if I were colecting a fish that is reclusive and hard to find, I might not have the luxury of being so selective, and I doubt collectors throw any back in...
  6. reavely

    6line wrasse or Mandarin?

    They are both beautiful fish, that's why I've had a hard time deciding - I was inclined toward the aesthetics of the mandarin because I liked the idea of geting a spot-designed fish to compliment the striped fish I have. The tank is been running for about 5 months, no refugium. I've never seen...
  7. reavely

    6line wrasse or Mandarin?

    in about two months I would like to put one of these fish in my tank (specs below). The pod population has been booming since all the fish went into QTs a month ago (this week they start "matriculating" back in). From what I've read 6 line wrasses and Mandarins eat (or would compete) for the...
  8. reavely

    cultivating? Xenia

    Just saw your sit, very nice, I'd love to get some of those mushrooms - did you get them up here or down in Charlotte? I have a blu neon gobie to clean up my regal tang, though it seems the regal is prone to one sickness after another - I just got rid of the ich he brought into the tank and now...
  9. reavely

    cultivating? Xenia

    I live in Hillsborough just north of Chapel Hill. I havn't been to JFpets, where is it? Of the other two I prefer FW only because I've seen many sick and dying specimens at TTF, though FW can be more expensive. If the Xenia start taking over the tank, I'd love to arange a trading relation with...
  10. reavely

    cultivating? Xenia

    That Garf site is great!, I can;t wait to start spreading Xenia around the tank. I had no idea there were so many varieties as well. I love them and they hypnotize my 19 month old daughter!
  11. reavely

    cultivating? Xenia

    the Xenia in my DT is thriving and has branched out and attached itself to an adjacent rock. The stem leading to this new atttachment from the old base seems to be thinning out. Will the new branch attachment sever itself from the original base? If I wanted to spread the Xenia around my tank...
  12. reavely

    ich on LR?

    I went to the LFS today and saw a really nice piece of rock, as I was about to get it weighed and purchase it, I noticed the tank below it had two tangs that were covered in ich cysts (this tank and three others, including the one the rock came from, are on a single sump system). Horrified, and...
  13. reavely

    can ich travel on LR?

    I went to the LFS today and saw a really nice piece of rock, as I was about to get it weighed and purchase it, I noticed the tank below it had two tangs that were covered in ich cysts (this tank and three others, including the one the rock came from, are on a single sump system). Horrified, and...
  14. reavely


    what is a "liquid distibution type" ??
  15. reavely


    Can anyone recommend one? I have a "daily double" for my cichlid tank, but it's only good for pellets since the humidity clogs up the flake. I'm going away for three weeks and wil have someone stop by every-other day to feed some MYSIS & top-off but I was thinking of getting an auto- flake...
  16. reavely

    damn ich!

    Ok, problem, the glass hydrometer I was using is calibrated for 60* - the plastic one only goes down to 1.010. How do I calibrate for the glass one? Can I?
  17. reavely

    damn ich!

    I can't get rid of it. My fish have been in qt for two weeks now with a SG of 1.009 for over a week and the ich is now back again. The regal tang is COVERED in cysts and even the blu gobie has them all over (and he can't eat them off himself!), the clowns are scratching on the pvc pipes and I...
  18. reavely


    I have a 12" glass hydrometer for the QT
  19. reavely


    Is it just the LEVEL of 1.009 that kills the ich or a rapid DROP from normal parameters to 1.009 that kills it? My tang (and others) have been in QT for two weeks now and the ich is back on it even though I've had the salinity at 1.009 for more than a week. Things is, I took about a week to get...
  20. reavely

    bugs galor

    I'm in the midst of attempting to rid my tank of ich, all fish in QT, waiting for ihc life-cycle to pass. Since this all began, I've added an xenia, some yewllow polyps ( which the peppermints have nibbled to nothing) and an anenome, so yesterday I added some seachem reef suppliments to the...