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  1. reavely

    Shrinking anenome

    I got the pepper's because I had alot of aptaisias on the live rock I bought & to scavenge, but I do think they are nibbling on the yellow polyps as well, I give 'em mysis but those guys are voracious, can't seem to feed them enough. What other shrimp do people suggest that aren't as aggro, but...
  2. reavely

    Shrinking anenome

    well the anenome played a great trick on me, it's back to it's normal size, flowing in the current & all. I squirted some Mysis at it and I it caught a couple but the peppermints brazenly hopped all over it to scrounge up what they could before the anenome could - I then fed them on the other...
  3. reavely

    Shrinking anenome

    Wow it inflated back up again, strange. I knew they did contract but this looked unreal. The tank is 75 gls. I'll start directly feeding it now.
  4. reavely

    Shrinking anenome

    I just got a sebae anenome a week ago and it seemed to be acclimatizing well, had found a stable spot in the tank and was relaxing in a wide open position, extending its tentacles etc. Since I looked at it this morning though it has been shrinking up, contracting its radius and its tentacles to...
  5. reavely

    hyposlalinity & ich

    Thanks for all the comments - I spent a week getting it down to 1.009, was going to continue it for three weeks at that rate and then bring it back up over a weeks time, that's five weeks in the QT and from what I gather, far longer than ich's life cycle. I considered the UV sterilizer but...
  6. reavely

    hyposlalinity & ich

    ok, I've got my QT down to a specific gravity of 1.009 - can anyone tell me what ratio of salt & h20 I should mix for water changes at this level of salinity? I want to keep it stable for two weeks so I know I've knocked out the ich for good. Also, is there anyway of testing for ich? I emptied...
  7. reavely

    ph & Alkalinity

    I know that ph can swing during the day, but how about Alkalinity? It seems I've dropped from 3.0 (8.4dkh) to 2.0 (5.6dkh) in abouta month ( I tested this morning before lights came on). The ph seems stable and the Ca has dropped from 600 to 560 in the same month. I know this is high anyway - I...
  8. reavely

    pep shrimp & star

    Thanks, I'll follow that adivise. I gather the injury may have come from mishandling the star at acclimation, but it's demise from both a combo of young tank and agressive shrimp. No drastic water changes or shifts in the parameters occured, everything seemed pretty steady, except for a...
  9. reavely

    help! hungry blenny in QT!

    I've had to put my lawnmower blenny in the QT which is new. I filled it with h20 from the disply tank when I started it but there is no algae growing in it yet and the blenny isn't interested in either the spirulina discs I feed my FW plecos with or the seaweed I clip in for my Tang to munch...
  10. reavely

    HELP! Hungry blenny in QT

    I've had to put my lawnmower blenny in the QT which is new. I filled it with h20 from the disply tank when I started it but there is no algae growing in it yet and the blenny isn't interested in either the spirulina discs I feed my FW plecos with or the seaweed I clip in for my Tang to munch...
  11. reavely

    pep shrimp & star

    thanks for helping me think through it, I'm going to do more research before I get another star. though the linkias and fromias are prettier, I liked to watch tyhe sand star submerge and rise in different parts of the sand - besides its functional benifits. The peppermints are definately going...
  12. reavely

    pep shrimp & star

    I'll look for the sand critters tonight. I drip aclimated the star for about two hours, then placed him in the tank by hand - I realize now that this exposure to air is problematic with stars (right?) but the kink didn't develop for two to three weeks after that.
  13. reavely

    pep shrimp & star

    The DSB is about 3-4 inches, running with live rock for 3 months, with fish 2 months. I had put in 2lbs of live sand after a week with the live rock in it. then added the sand star a week after the first fish came in ( I started with 5 cromies). I assumed he ate algae as that was in the...
  14. reavely

    pep shrimp & star

    By the time I got home today the peppermints had eaten him through to the center... really bummed. I'm not sure how he got injured in the first place, it started as a kink near the tip of one leg that eventually became a dangling piece that eventually got sloughed off. The tip of the appendage...
  15. reavely

    specific gravity & Copper

    Will the use of copper sulfate effect SG readings? I'm tryin to do a hyposalinity & copper combo to combat a bad case of ich but my readings in the 10 gl QT haven't gone down much (by .001) even though I've replaced a gallon of SW with FW in last 24 hrs.
  16. reavely

    pep shrimp & star

    I've got copper in the qt right now, won;t that kill the star?
  17. reavely

    pep shrimp & star

    my sandsifter broke a small peice off one of it's legs and the peppermint shrimp have been eatting it down toward the center, what can I do to help the star heal & keep the shrimp off it?
  18. reavely

    uv sterilizer

    thanks, I'll go ahead with the QT, guess I was looking fo the easy way out and there isn;t one!
  19. reavely

    uv sterilizer

    Would UV sterilization be a viable alternative to a QT tank for ich treatment (among other things)? It seems to cost about the same when all is said and done and promises to improve the water quality in the display tank, no? Just one thing, would it also kill GOOD bacteria in the water?
  20. reavely

    reef-safe ich meds?

    Has anyone ever tried "pro-biotic marine formula" or "no-ich marine"? they are both copper free and say they won't effect corals. I'm nervous - I only have one xenia (beside the inverts in the clean-up crew) but I want to add corals in the near future and don't want a polluted tank. I know the...