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  1. reavely

    hatch'n feed installation

    I got one of those hatch'n feed, in-tank artemia hatcheries - put it in the tank and have had a few problems. At first the airline hose kept popping off the inlet valve - I tried reducing the air pressure but no matter what - even with NO pressure the hose popped off, SO a little super glue...
  2. reavely

    neon gobie life span

    How long does a neon gobie generally live? - Mine is a year old, about 2.5 inches, but the mosdt recent sighting of him was scary - he was very thin and pale looking compared to his usual self. :nope:
  3. reavely

    baking soda buffer

    yeah I used Auqua-safe, but I've used that before (w/out the combo of baking soda) and not had this kind of reaction. I usually use the aquasafe and then let the water stand for another 24-36 hours - I didn't this time (8hrs), maybe that's it. will the micro-bubbles do any damage to coral or...
  4. reavely

    baking soda buffer

    oops I meant Fenner - "concscientious marine aquarist"
  5. reavely

    baking soda buffer

    ok so I took a tip from Tullock (Natural Reef Aquariums) and used baking soda as a PH buffer in my water change today - well now my tank is full of micro-bubbles escaping the skimmer trap. How long is this going to last? I closed the venturi on the pump to stop it, for now, but how long should I...
  6. reavely

    upside down cromie

    he's gone... Curious though, this was a fish that was in such good shape I was nearly ready to transfer him into the DT, even in death he looked perfectly healthy - if it weren't for that whole lack of breathing thing.
  7. reavely

    upside down cromie

    I have four cromies in my qt - last night I added a clown from the DT who had contracted ich. this morning I found a cromie upsdie down at the bottom of the qt. He's breathing fine, no bite marks, bleeding or beat up fins, no disease - from all signs, except for being unable to right himself -...
  8. reavely

    Longnose Butterfly - reef safe?

    I seem to see differeing opinions on this, some say yes, some say "with caution" others say flat-out NO. I'd like to hear from experienced longnose keepers. do they munch corals? which ones? I hear, and can imagine, they are difficult to feed - how so? Live food? small food? will productive live...
  9. reavely

    venturi-skimmer pumps

    I have a hang-on excalibur skimmer that is currently equipped with a rio 800 w/venturi kit. I've never been really impressed with the aeration that the rio creates and lately it's been geting less and less air in the skimmer chamber - I've cleaned it out twice in the last week to have only a...
  10. reavely

    Bak-Pak Question

    does anyone have any opinions about the use of the combo-suface skimmer/bubble trap over the use of the separate surface-skimmer and bubble trap boxes? I'm going to get the bak-pak2 for my QT tank.
  11. reavely

    MH lights & actinic

    I've been thinking of upgrading from my PC florescents to MH lights. I've learned that MH lights are blue spectrum emitting - does this mean I would no longer need the actinic florescent lights to get that "black-light" effect from the corals, fish, etc...? If I need to combine them, how do I...
  12. reavely


    ok, there is a centipede-like critter crawling around in the rocks, likes to stay in the shade. it's about 3 inches long and has bristle-like ...legs? is this what folks have been calling a "bristleworm"? I've never seen a picture of one so I'm guessing it is. are these ok?, good? bad? ugly:)
  13. reavely

    wavemaster pro-blem?

    SiF i like the hagens because of the 'quick-filter' that i use as an intake guard so critters don't get sucked up into the pwrhd. I don't see maxi-jets as having anything comparable - is there a recommendable 'rig' to simulate this for the maxi's?
  14. reavely

    wavemaster pro-blem?

    oh yeah, copapods :rolleyes:
  15. reavely

    blue tang hiding

    uhg, niether one of those are going to be fun - it took me hours to re-stack the rock wall when I installed the wvmaster & repositioned the pwrhds.
  16. reavely

    wavemaster pro-blem?

    I installed a wavemaster a week ago and when it turns on my 2 PHD's they make a racheting sound that is spooking my tang - has anyone every had this problem? The PHD's are about a year old, they are Hagen 802s - never had any functional problems with them before, but when I cleaned them out...
  17. reavely

    blue tang hiding

    my blue tang, which has been in the tank for nearly nine months, has recently decided to hide behind the rock wall and stay there. When it was first introduced this was a very social fish, coming out to greet me when I entered the room, swimming in full view all the time. I have not introduced a...
  18. reavely

    Blue Tang ICH?

    Terry B's response is correct by conventional wisdom, no you SHOULDn't need meds if you do hyposalinity correctly, but if your salinity measurement device isn't precise (a refractometer being the only one I know of that is) you may be off a little + or - a few "degrees". This can mean that the...
  19. reavely

    "egg-sac" on single fridmani???

    whatever it was, it's gone. I JUST saw him come out for some food and the sac of "eggs" is no longer trailing. Though I'm relieved I'm still concerned that this might be an internal parasite that he's passing when he deficates. I have seen ( long ago) white stringy "feces" trailing from him...
  20. reavely

    Blue Tang ICH?

    1) How big is your qt? this makes a difference in how much stress you put your fish under. at one time I had a 2.5 inch tang, a 2 inch lawnmower blenny & two F. perc clowns in a 10 gl QT. (not good, but they survived). when I started my tank, I had no qt. got a tang with ich, had to tear-down &...