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  1. saltfisher

    How do I stop this....

    I bought 8 turbo snails yesterday. My LFS claimed they will do the job. Is this correct? I could not get emerald crabs because they would have gotten killed. They also tried to sell me a Kole Tang, but I declined it. I have several red leg hermits in there and they don't eat that crap...
  2. saltfisher

    can i get a puffer

    I stand corrected. No need for anyone else to tell me.
  3. saltfisher

    Newer Angel

    It's a 6-Bar Angel. It doesn't require any special care. I feed it Mysis shrimp and he picks at the other stuff that I drop in for the other fish. That pics doesn't do it any justice. The colors are a lot brighter. It's a really nice looking fish in person.
  4. saltfisher

    How do I stop this....

    That is a Curly Cue Anemone I bought. Not that terrible glass anemone that's a pest.
  5. saltfisher


    Okay, Gibbus
  6. saltfisher

    can i get a puffer

    They do get big, but they wont eat all those other fish in the tank.
  7. saltfisher

    can i get a puffer

    How about get what you want.!
  8. saltfisher


    Did you call? What did they say?
  9. saltfisher


    Novice, I told you guys I knew what I saw. Gibbus, they are new borns. What do you expect them to look like?
  10. saltfisher


    Here they are... All are 8 to 12".
  11. saltfisher


    I have pics of the babies....
  12. saltfisher


    You've got mail!!!
  13. saltfisher

    can i get a puffer

    Get a Stars & Stripes. They are cool.
  14. saltfisher


    Put your email address here and i'll email you.
  15. saltfisher


    Not a good idea!! I know where one is for sale.
  16. saltfisher

    How do I stop this....

    So are you saying if I buy a hermit and emerald crab, they will eat all that BS from ALL of my rocks?
  17. saltfisher

    Newer Angel

    He has great color to him. Wasn't too expensive either.
  18. saltfisher

    How do I stop this....

    from growing on my rocks? It gets so damn long and annoying. I mow it down with my net all the time. Are there any critters I can buy to eat it?? What is the name of this algae?
  19. saltfisher


    Novice, i'll try and see if I can get some pics. Believe me, they are Bonnetheads and they are the size I said. I'm not considering one at all because I've seen a full grown one at my local aquarium and I dont have a home for that big of a shark. Sorry to hear about you leopard. Jim, too bad...
  20. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

    The SmoothHound swims into it all the time. He gets out in a hurry though.