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  1. saltfisher

    Feeder Fish

    Dont feed live. I feed my Triggers a variety. 1) Raw Shrimp...Peel the shell, cut up, and drop in 2) Mysis Shrimp cubes 3) Squid cubes 4) Marine Cuisine 5) Trigger Formula (not too often)
  2. saltfisher

    Leopard Shark Woes

    That is true, but there are still dealers that have babies. I bought 3 that are no longer than 5 inches. They are larger now though. So many people are killing mothers and cutting out the babies hence the reason for the law. Some people wont sell to you if they dont know you, due to that law.
  3. saltfisher

    --Smoothoundz-- Please read

    No problem at all. That's good you all got that price for it. I found one on Monday that is just as pretty as the one you had for $139. Yeah, I want just one Lookdown. My community tank is filling up. I dont want to have too much in there. I could add more to the shark tank, but I just...
  4. saltfisher


    I can get you leopards for $210 plus shipping.
  5. saltfisher

    Tigger people: can I add this fish?

    Queens can be mean. My LFS had one that was huge. It was so mean that if you put your hand on the outside of the glass, it'd try to attack you. I'm sure it'll kill all in your tank.
  6. saltfisher

    Novice 150!!!

    ummmmmm, Move OUT
  7. saltfisher

    --Smoothoundz-- Please read

    Originally posted by cincyreefer Saltfisher- I am not the owner (who you probably know..), but do obviously work there. Yes, we are going to LA to handpick fish but leaving sunday night so let me know asap. Number to the store is (513) 521-5500. Ask for Mark. By any chance are you one of the...
  8. saltfisher


    Here's his Bonnet. Hope you don't mind Novice. I saved this pic.
  9. saltfisher


    Those little [hr] are $600 or 2 for $1000.
  10. saltfisher

    Shark owners!

    yeah, it does a great job. It keeps my PH stable. It may just be me, but when I add it, my water looks a lot clearer......crystal clear like the fish are flying. That could be my imagination though.
  11. saltfisher

    --Smoothoundz-- Please read

    Originally posted by cincyreefer I have 5 of them.... I think Saltfisher might be referring to my store... you should have mail... Do you work or own Exotic......? I know I can't post the name on here, but you'll know if it's your place. Two nice Blacktips... I was in there and was told...
  12. saltfisher


    That's cool. Just wanted to know if you were aware of this issue. Like you said, I was told that it was a must. Not for all sharks, but Bonnetheads, due to the position of their eyes. How's he doing, anyway? Has it gotten any bigger? Feed us some new pics.
  13. saltfisher


    Novice: I was recently told that a Bonnethead in a tank with corners will result in the shark beating his eyes out of his head. My supplier told me that they need to be in round type tanks. This won't be a problem for you, will it?
  14. saltfisher

    Shark owners!

    I add "Kent Marine SuperBuffer" to my tank.
  15. saltfisher

    Water Change ??

    I am going to do all these things when I get off today. I will let you know the status of the fish tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a hospital tank going and cure him.
  16. saltfisher

    Water Change ??

    yeah, I had added a new shark to my tank. Since then, the Nitrate level has gone up. I removed the shark already, but Nitrate still up there.
  17. saltfisher

    Water Change ??

    Thanks for all the replies. There is no way I can catch this fish w/out a net. He is a fast little [hr] . I usually have to use two nets to catch him. I only use the Instant Ocean salt, so I guess my mix/use technique is fine. I've been doing it since the start. Beaslbob: I did post in...
  18. saltfisher

    How many Leopards?

    It was a regular blue damsel with a orange tail. A mean little [hr] . I couldn't understand why the shark didnt eat it. I took care of it though.
  19. saltfisher

    Help, My SoldierFish

    Yeah I could set one up, but it's a pain in the ARSE. I am going to do a water change today and pull him out. I will use Maracyn2 in the tank.
  20. saltfisher

    Water Change ??

    Should I prepare the water like a day before I do the water change? I read somewhere that newly mixed water is not good for the fish. I'm dealing with pop-eye on one of my fish and need to do a water change and I want to do it the right way. I usually pull out 15%, clean the glass, mix water...