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  1. saltfisher

    Water Change ??

    Should I prepare the water like a day before I do the water change? I read somewhere that newly mixed water is not good for the fish. I'm dealing with pop-eye on one of my fish and need to do a water change and I want to do it the right way. I usually pull out 15%, clean the glass, mix water...
  2. saltfisher

    Help, My SoldierFish

    The other day I noticed that his left eye was turning white. Over the last couple of days it has gotten whitter and much larger. I don't want to medicate my main tank. I have had this fish forever and I can't figure out why this happened. What can I do? I tested my water and it's Am-0...
  3. saltfisher

    How many Leopards?

    That's cool, I'll find one around here. I had a damsel in my shark tank and it was picking the fins of my baby leopard everytime he leopard swam past the place the damsel sat all the time. I noticed it when he had already done much damage to the fins. I pull the damsel out get...
  4. saltfisher

    --Smoothoundz-- Please read

    I'm sure they will. They are a big deal in Cincy. I'll get the number and post it.
  5. saltfisher

    How many Leopards?

    I'll take it. You let me know how much. I'm not trying to pay retail though. Give me a price with shipping included to Ohio.
  6. saltfisher

    --Smoothoundz-- Please read

    $259 or $299 Something like that.
  7. saltfisher

    How many Leopards?

    Originally posted by tony detroit I got a Sohal Tang that will chase your leopards....... want him??? I'll take that Sohal. You want to get rid of???
  8. saltfisher

    --Smoothoundz-- Please read

    I know a place in Ohio that has about 5 of them. All diff sizes. They are expensive though. More than I have ever seen anywhere else. Let me know.
  9. saltfisher

    New Niger Trigger - is this normal?

    Coppersafe is a great product. I have a Harlequn Tusk I bought about two days ago for $159 and all he does is hide. When the light go out, he comes out and swims, but the 6hrs that the light is on, he is mainly hiding. He'll come out from time to time and swim around and then back in hs hole...
  10. saltfisher


    I have the reef background. With the corals and yellow tangs on it.
  11. saltfisher

    New Niger Trigger - is this normal?

    That sucks! If you dont have any inverts, put some Coppersafe in your tank. Also take your salinty level down to about 1.019. That'll take care of that Ich.
  12. saltfisher

    which triggers play nicely?

    I have a clown trigger in a tank with a Stars & Stripes puffer, Soldierfish, and two bar gobies. They all do very well together.
  13. saltfisher

    sharks in cold water

    And remember.... Punctuation is your friend ;) CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. saltfisher

    lepord sharks

    I know someone that has 147 baby leopards. $200 each
  15. saltfisher

    Novice150, Good Luck on a Healthy/Safe shipment today!

    Novice, that is sweet. How's it doing?
  16. saltfisher

    Live Rock IN Ohio....Forsale

    I have about 65lbs for sale. Give me $65 and it's yours.
  17. saltfisher


    Originally posted by NOVICE150 Joe: You can see pics of my tank at Sweet!!
  18. saltfisher

    How do I stop this....

    I was told that, but my light is on a timer and comes on at 6pm and got off at 12:30am. My tank is not near a window either. So I dont think light is a factor.
  19. saltfisher

    My Shark Pics...

    Sure I will. If not longer.
  20. saltfisher

    How do I stop this....

    Two sharks and an Angel. The angle already picks at the snails