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  1. saltfisher

    Does anyone have a Green Wolf Eel?

  2. saltfisher

    What Eel Should I Get???

    It notices me, but when food is in the tank and my little girl put her hand on the glass, he tries to bite her fingers.
  3. saltfisher

    Does anyone have a Green Wolf Eel?

    Originally posted by DeJay Salt, what part of OH are you from? CMH
  4. saltfisher

    What Eel Should I Get???

    The name is a Fimbriated Moray...Jack's called it a Yellow-headed eel. Nah, I never feed live food. I don't want to get my fish used to eating that. I have feed ghost shrimp though. I've had it about two months. I don't know too many eels that are not hardy.
  5. saltfisher

    Does anyone have a Green Wolf Eel?

    Green Wolfs are in Jack's all the time. They have two here now.
  6. saltfisher

    What Eel Should I Get???

    Thx! He's about 12 inches. I feed him fresh shrimp from the seafood counter. I thaw them, peel em, and feed with stick. Actually, I feed all my fish that, so when it smells the shrimp it comes out and chases everything in the tank until it eats. It's a site to see. It makes my girlfriend...
  7. saltfisher

    What Eel Should I Get???

    Get a Fimbriated. I have one..It's sweet.....really fish aggressive though.
  8. saltfisher

    finally full shot of eel

    Eels are great, but the [hr] get out of my tank.
  9. saltfisher

    Niger Fangs

    Nice tank, Tommy.
  10. saltfisher

    price on purple tang

    They are going for $59.99 at *****
  11. saltfisher

    What would you put in a 125g

    I have a Clown, niger Trigger, Harelquin tusk, S&S Puffer, Soldierfish, and two bar Gobies in a 125. They all live very happily together.
  12. saltfisher

    Schooling Aggressive Fish?

    Get Lookdowns if you can find them. They are only about $90 a piece. Usually the same price for babies as adults.
  13. saltfisher

    Picasso & Undulate triggers Vs. Choco Chip *

    Yeah, they will eat his legs right off. They did that to a sandsifter I had.
  14. saltfisher

    bonnet heads

    Novice150 has one, too.
  15. saltfisher

    Too many trigers?

    I think you'll be fine.
  16. saltfisher

    blue jaw trigger (male)

    Originally posted by justchillin bluejaws are probably the least aggressive of the triggers... Or a Niger
  17. saltfisher

    Grocery Store Fresh Shrimp

    I feed the uncooked shrimp to my fish every other day. They love it.
  18. saltfisher

    Official shark picture thread!

    Nice Pics!! I must say that I am jealous. I should have kept my sharks. I'll post old pics of my boys later today.
  19. saltfisher

    Tony Detroit

    Still no Lookdown for me. I think I just gave up. Glad to hear you got what you wanted.
  20. saltfisher

    Hexagon tank for sale...OHIO

    You've got mail!!!