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  1. saltfisher


    Originally posted by eric4usa I still have a problem with the common name for the "Nig**" trigger fish. I've heard other names such as "Black trigger" which is exact description, or "Bat fish". I realize this fish was probably named well over 100yrs ago, but come on. :rolleyes: I don't care...
  2. saltfisher

    Brown Algae????

    My tank is over 2 years old. Adding plantlife will ruin the look of my tank. Dammit!! I hate that stuff.
  3. saltfisher


    Here are mine. Clown and Niger
  4. saltfisher

    Trip PICS to Aquariums

  5. saltfisher

    4-Stage Kent Marine For Sale (will ship)

  6. saltfisher

    Any RO systems 4sale??

    You've got mail!!!!
  7. saltfisher

    Brown Algae????

    How the he!l do I get rid of this? It grows in my tank so bad that i have to clean the glass every two days. It pisses me off. I was told that I should start doing water changes with distilled water. Any good ways to rid my tank of this???
  8. saltfisher

    What's in your tanks?

    180 gallon 70lbs of LR Harlequin Tusk Clown Trigger Niger Trigger Naso Blonde Tang Stars & Stripes Puffer Soldierfish 2-Bar gobies
  9. saltfisher

    Any RO systems 4sale??

    I need a RO system. Reply if you have one to sell. Thx!
  10. saltfisher

    Live Rock IN Ohio....Forsale

    SOLD! Sorry, I never got an email that people were replying to this thread. I sold it months ago.
  11. saltfisher

    wtb powerhead

    I have two AquaClear 402's you can get. $15 each
  12. saltfisher

    smoothounds ???

    Great sharks....I had one:confused:
  13. saltfisher

    Updated Pics

    Thanks- I used to have problems with Ick. I could never keep Naso's, and Angels. So I removed all the inverts, anemones, and added COPPER. That is the best product ever made. If you ever have any sign of Ick, add that, Ick is gone. yeah, it kills the Liverock, but I want it for more of the...
  14. saltfisher

    equipment ?>????

    Make sure you DON'T get a Prizm. Biggest POS made.
  15. saltfisher

    trigger ?

    I have all the fish you say you want, in my tank now. They all get along really well. My Niger Trigger is meaner than my Clown. Go here and see the pics
  16. saltfisher

    Updated Pics

    Here's a videoTank Video
  17. saltfisher

    I need assistance!

    I know someone with huge tub using a RO system. I think I may ask him for about 40 gallons and do a water change. As for cleaning the Fluvals, I HATE doing it. That has to be the biggest pain the as*. I guess i'll do it this week. By the way you explained your RO system, you had to run...
  18. saltfisher

    Updated Pics

    Thanks, Thomas. Fishy, I gave the sharks to a friend. I wanted to go with different types of fish, so this is what I ended up with. Glad you guys like.
  19. saltfisher

    Updated Pics

  20. saltfisher

    Updated Pics
