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  1. saltfisher

    WANTED: 125 Gallon in Ohio

    Anyone have a 125 with a stand forsale in Ohio or anywhere close? If so, email me at
  2. saltfisher

    17 nurse shark for sale

    I know someone that may be interested. Can you mail me pics and tell me how far you are from Ohio, Columbus?
  3. saltfisher

    Pics of the 90G

    My tank looks nothing like those pics anymore. As for the Sharks, they are still in the tank and doing well.
  4. saltfisher

    Good decision???

    Just so you all know, I did about a 25% water change and the breathing on the fish has slowed tremendously. Thanks for the input!!
  5. saltfisher

    Good decision???

  6. saltfisher

    Good decision???

    Scotts, I have gotten wonderful advice from this site. The only reason I bought that $13 bottle was because they said it would help and was almost instant. This FS is huge and known all over the midwest so I fugured they knew what they were talking about.
  7. saltfisher

    Good decision???

    Yes, it is a Remora. He attaches himself to the top of my Cat Shark. I feed just a little bit daily. I put just enough food for the fish to eat. I dont put lots of it to where it is all over the bottom. The Remora sucks down Silversides and the Cat eats them off a stick. I tried getting...
  8. saltfisher

    Good decision???

    Thanks, I will stop the bubbles right now.
  9. saltfisher

    Good decision???

    Flame, I am not sure of the exact reading, but all I can tell you is that the colors had about 5 steps, where 1 was the best and my tank was about 3. It was still blue-hadnt turned purple yet. The sharks have only been in my tank for two days now. They havent eaven eaten that much to cause a...
  10. saltfisher

    Good decision???

    Thanks for all the info, guys. My tank has been up for over a year. One of the sharks is a Remora. He is really small. Shoulnt even be considered a shark.
  11. saltfisher

    Good decision???

    I guess I need to go do a water change, right now. I have sand at the bottom of my tank. It is not Live Sand though. I removed about 40lbs of LR yesterday to give the sharks extra space. I cant imagine what is making them spaz out. All the water levels were fine except nitrate.
  12. saltfisher

    Good decision???

    Yesterday I took my water to my LFS to be tested and everything was fine except Nitrates. They were in the bluish phase, but not baby/sky blue like it was suppose to be. She suggested that I buy the biggest bottle of Cycle and dump in all in my tank. She said that you cant OD on it and that it...
  13. saltfisher

    Dumb or not???

    Yesterday I took my water to my LFS to be tested and everything was fine except Nitrates. They were in the bluish phase, but not baby/sky blue like it was suppose to be. She suggested that I buy the biggest bottle of Cycle and dump in all in my tank. She said that you cant OD on it and that...
  14. saltfisher

    Reducing salinity question

    I run my tank at 1.019 all the time. With a temp of 80.
  15. saltfisher

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I need help!!!

    Six weeks is still really new. Do you have LR in your tank? If not, I suggest running copper. If you do that, say bye, bye to Ick. Also look into getting a UV Sterilizer.
  16. saltfisher

    shark ???

    Do you feed with a feeding stick or just drop food in? I placed my LR across the back so he cant get behind it. So basically he is out all day, but motionless.
  17. saltfisher

    shark ???

    I just bought a Banded and the FS had both as well. The Nurse gets really active when being fed. The banded doesnt move as much.
  18. saltfisher

    Running Copper???

    What is HypoSalinity??
  19. saltfisher

    Powerhead....Current Question?????

    Hey, you have 5 eels in your tank living together? How do they act with each other???
  20. saltfisher

    Running Copper???

    Well, I am starting to get pissed off because all of the fish I put in my tank that doesn't have slime/skin, whatever, catches Ick and dies. I have had the same 4 fish in my tank for over an year and all is well with them. The minute I add a Naso, yellow Tang or any Angel, they die. I've...