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  1. weep no more

    need some tank help

    Debbie, it seems that you and I want to do the same thing. I like the nice attractive, neat look of the hood which came with my 29 gallon and have been asking for help in getting the strongest light replacement which could be used; but, I have not had anyone answer the post that I submitted...
  2. weep no more

    Water Testing

    What do I do for the alkalinity that I can not determine because it is too high? The same thing for my calcium? The results do not read on neither test because they are above the measurable limits.
  3. weep no more

    Hexagon Tank

    That sounds great! Can you post a picture so that I can see how everything looks? Thanks so much for responding to me. :cheer:
  4. weep no more

    Hexagon Tank

    Some say they work great. Others say they are too deep and not wide enough to fit proper lighting in order for it to reach all the way to the bottom. I really like the look; but, I want to have live rock and corals and I don't want to invest money into a system that is not going to serve my...
  5. weep no more

    Hexagon Tank

    :notsure: Has anyone had luck with a 75 gallon hexagon? I keep getting different advice from the different fish salesmen. Can the lighting be sufficient to reach the bottom?
  6. weep no more


    :nope: Can anyone tell me a good light for my 29 gallon that would fit into the hood which came with the system? I purchased the tank and hood at WalMart and I have live rock and a green star polyp. The current lighting is a 50/50 bulb that I replaced the flourescent that came with the unit...
  7. weep no more

    Water Testing

    :help: I wonder what needs to be tested regularly. The 2 test kits that I purchased (Saltwater Master by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals and Reef Lab by Red Sea Parmaceuticals) do not have a test for some of the things mentioned here on this board. For example, neither tests for alkalinity, one...
  8. weep no more

    Dreaming about saltwater

    :eek: Kaiser, The black domino that I had was a terror. Chased everything and could not seem to find his own terrritory. He wanted the whole 29 gallon tank. He wasn't happy and neither was anyone else!
  9. weep no more

    Conversion: FOWLR to Reef

    :confused: I'm confused to Boomper. I have a 10,000k bulb; but, I still don't seem to get enough light. I wish someone could recommend a single bulb to replace in the hood that would be sufficient to do the job. Help, people, help!!!!!!!!
  10. weep no more

    Bad Algae Bad!

    :happyfish Welcome, 2Nemos!!! I see you love landscaping just like me. Sorry that I can not tell you what type of algae that you have; but, hey at least you have something growing in your tank that looks pretty and green. Wish I had something!:happyfish Hang in there. I'm sure that someone...
  11. weep no more

    Refugium Tanks and Live Sand Beds

    Kip4130, Wow! I loved reading the information provided by your site. Please post some more:cheer:
  12. weep no more

    Polyps are gone!

    :eek: I'm confused. I thought I read it somewhere that peppermint shrimps were one of the cleaning crew members that helped to maintain a healthy reef tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????? I think they are even sold in the package deal.
  13. weep no more

    Avatar curious...

    Hey, it worked. I finally learned how to apply my picture that I had chosen. :cheer: Safe, secure and secluded in the hills of Kentucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. weep no more

    Avatar curious...

    Just checking to see if I finally got my avatar to apply.
  15. weep no more

    Desperation! About to give up. Help!!

    Ok. I'm willing to start from the beginning and redo everything in my tank. But I need guidance. If I take out the undergravel filter, the lady salesman says I need some other form of biological filter. I don't know how to get things going with a strong lighting system. I can't afford right...
  16. weep no more

    Explain where your user name originated

    Well, I was so glad to find this board that I knew I would WeepNoMore!
  17. weep no more

    nano tanks everyone share pics.

    Hi, everyone! :) I'm so confused as to how everyone is getting such a great response with the coraline algae in their nano tanks.:help: I have such clear water; but, just can't seem to get the beautiful purple color that everyone else is getting on their life rock.
  18. weep no more

    My first six pack

    Thanks, Diddley! Wow. it has been a while since I have been on line. :cheer:
  19. weep no more

    To the "guests" reading our board

    Hey, Sammy, Not a major question; but, one that is bothering me. I want to have an avatar beside my name; but, I don't see a way to add that in the edit user information. Please help if you have the time.
  20. weep no more

    Hello, Everyone!

    Well, once again I have finally found time to check the board!!!!! I want to thank some people who have posted for me. I hope and pray that I don't leave someone out through oversight. :) It was good to here from you 'rbmount', 'kipass4130','robb', 'smoothounds', 'fez', 'nicky1.8t'...